Dog that kept its owner alive during a stroke flips out when getting reunited

Sadie saved Brian’s life.

Our pets have a remarkable ability to save us in a time of need, and that is what happened to Brian Myers.

Brian’s life was spared by the same dog he rescued just a few months back.

Flickr - Steve Glover Source: Flickr - Steve Glover

That’s right. This is a boomerang story.

Their reunion after Myers’ hospital release was even more heartwarming than their initial meeting.

Myers had taken in Sadie, a 6-year-old German Shepherd, after she was surrendered to the Ramapo-Bergen Animal Refuge in New Jersey.

Shelter workers had a tough time finding her a suitable home due to her nervousness and defensiveness around men.

Front office manager Heather Centrella at Ramapo-Bergan Animal Refuge told the The Dodo,

“She was a little standoffish when she first came and she wasn’t sure what was going on.”

She went on to say,

“She became a little bit shut-down in the shelter, so we knew she was going to need an experienced home with someone who was patient.”

Myers made the decision to adopt Sadie after just 30 minutes of meeting her, despite her past issues with men.

YouTube - Ramapo-Bergan Animal Refuge Source: YouTube - Ramapo-Bergan Animal Refuge

Surprisingly, her nervousness and defensiveness around men seemed to disappear in his presence.

Myers posted about their bond on Facebook.

“She jumped into my car and we’ve developed a strong bond. I was able to work through the issues she had and committed to giving her the home and love she deserved.”

Little did Myers know that in just a few months’ time, Sadie would be the one responsible for saving his life.

The tables turned.

YouTube - Ramapo-Bergan Animal Refuge Source: YouTube - Ramapo-Bergan Animal Refuge

On an ordinary evening at home, Myers suddenly suffered a stroke and lost all feeling in his left side, falling into the gap between his bed and the wall.

“It was really frightening — I couldn’t get up and I didn’t realize at that moment that I’d had a stroke,” Myers stated “My cellphone was on the dresser about 15 feet away, but there was no way I could get to it.”

Without hesitation, Sadie leaped into action and began licking Myers’ face in an attempt to revive him.

She refused to leave his side.

She persistently barked for help, hoping that their neighbors would hear that something was wrong.

YouTube - Ramapo-Bergan Animal Refuge Source: YouTube - Ramapo-Bergan Animal Refuge

As Myers tried to reach out and grab her collar, he was surprised by what occurred next.

She dragged him.

With all of Sadie’s strength, she dragged her dad across the room so that he would be able to get to his phone and call for help.

YouTube - Ramapo-Bergan Animal Refuge Source: YouTube - Ramapo-Bergan Animal Refuge

“She was not trained as a service dog, but she was in distress over what was happening and she could tell that I was in trouble,” Brian said. “I don’t know how she did it, but she knew.”

Sadie’s help was crucial in saving Brian.

Thanks to Sadie’s efforts, Myers was able to reach his phone and call for medical assistance.

YouTube - Ramapo-Bergan Animal Refuge Source: YouTube - Ramapo-Bergan Animal Refuge

The doctors who treated him at the hospital recognized Sadie’s pivotal role in saving his life.

During Myers’ hospitalization and rehabilitation, Sadie stayed with his family and provided them with comfort and companionship.

Brian was reassuring that he is doing everything he can to get back home to Sadie to reunite with her.

Then, that moment finally came.

YouTube - Ramapo-Bergan Animal Refuge Source: YouTube - Ramapo-Bergan Animal Refuge

Brian Will never forget the day their reunion finally arrived.

As Sadie leapt into Myers’ arms and showered him with kisses, he couldn’t help but shed tears of happiness.

See Sadie’s heartwarming reunion with her dad in the video below!

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Source: Ramapo-Bergan Animal Refuge , CBS New York , The Washington Post
