Abandoned senior dog left on heavy chain hung her head in shame – then an angel stepped in

All dogs deserve to be loved, no matter what their age is. Senior dogs need affection and, most especially, more attention as they live out the remaining years of their lives in this world.

They must be loved the same way that they were loved when they were still pups.

Some elderly dogs get to live their golden years to their fullest. Sadly, however, not all dogs get the same chance.

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Athena is a senior dog who was abandoned outside in an open area.

The family she thought she belonged with dumped her when they moved away. This poor dog was left helpless in the open with nothing but a thick, heavy, long chain wrapped around her neck.

This story was beyond heartbreaking. It was already sad that she was left alone, but what was more heartwrenching was her facial expression; she looked so broken and down.

No words can express the amount of pain that she must’ve felt when she was abandoned by her humans.

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No animal pet deserves to be tossed away like a disposable piece of garbage.

She’s been with the family for the longest time, only to be left alone now that she’s old and sickly? It’s heartless! We can’t fathom the logic between owning a healthy pup and leaving an elderly dog.

While countless vehicles have passed by her, only a few glances of mercy were given to the helpless dog.

She was thirsty and starving, and all she knew was that her family had left her there on her own.

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Luckily, an angel heard her story.

Laurica Nagel is a local dog rescue volunteer in Samara and as soon as she learned about Athena’s heart-wrenching story, she drove all the way to where she was to save the dog’s life.

The kind rescuer then brought Athena to the medical clinic to have her checked. Gladly, aside from her fleas, ticks, and blind left eye, she was still in good shape and was given a green bill of health.

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Considering all the hardships that she had been through, emotional trauma, and her age, this lady is indeed a fighter!

Eventually, Athena was brought to a local animal shelter.

They say that most senior dogs don’t get adopted because most families want younger dogs. Dogs who are Athena’s age are commonly overlooked and unwanted. They feared that they might not find her a new forever home.

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Fortunately, that isn’t always the case. Athena didn’t need to stay that long at the shelter.

Someone with a huge heart adopted the precious dog and gave her a new forever home.

They saw nothing but Athena’s beauty and were ready to show her all the love and tenderness she has deserved from the very beginning.

She’s quite lucky because her new family has a lot of dogs who she can definitely befriend. Her new foster mom also loves to shower her with lots of love and attention.

They will make sure that the once unwanted dog will never feel neglected again.

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Athena is now living a beautiful life with her new family and we are happy she’s found the perfect fairy tale ending.

Dogs are dogs, regardless of their age. Senior dogs also deserve to be loved just like the young pups.

See how Athena got back on her feet after being dumped by her previous owners in the video below.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: I Love My Dog So Much, Paws 4 Hope
