Dog who lost her way overhears Dad’s engine and bolts right to him

Unleashing a dog builds trust between a dog owner and their pet.

On the other hand, it could also result in a dog going missing. Nobody ever wants this to happen, of course, but unfortunately, it does.

In fact, that is exactly what happened to this poor dog who went missing for 6 days.

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It was just a normal day until, one day, a dog named Xian-Mao and her owner went to the market.

This is their weekly routine and they always look forward to doing it together as part of their bonding time. Xian-Mao felt easy and was confidently walking without a leash because she knew that her owner was just beside her. But one day they had their worst trip ever.

Someone set off fireworks nearby and spooked the scared dog, sending her running like the Flash.

She took off away from the bang and just like that, she was already nowhere to be found.

Xian-Mao’s dad was left devastated by the series of events that happened. He tried to search for his spooked dog but with no trace of her at all, he went home empty-handed.

Xian-Mao knows the ins and outs of their neighborhood but when she panicked from the loud bang, she must’ve run endlessly and ended up somewhere she didn’t recognize. The scared pooch couldn’t find her way home.

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After 6 heart-breaking days for both the dog and her owner, Xian-Mao found her way to somewhere familiar; her dad’s friend’s home.

The smart dog finally recognized her surroundings because she went to the same house before with her dad. This shed her a ray of hope of being reunited with her human companion.

Her dad’s friend was on high alert. they were aware that Xian-Mao had been missing. They immediately called Xian-Mao’s dad and her worried human came rushing as soon as he heard the good news about his dog.

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As soon as she heard dad’s motorcycle engine revving nearby, she ran as quick as lightning.

She jumped right on her dad’s motorcycle and she cried like a real lost child. It was a clear piece of evidence that they love and missed each other so much.

Their reunion was a sign of how bonded a dog and a human can be. We can only imagine the kind of relationship that they have.

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Her dad had everything recorded on video and it was uploaded on the internet.

They seemed to have moved a lot of people because their video has already gained a whopping 6.7 million views.

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May this serve as a warning to all the dog owners out there. Please make it a habit to put your dogs on a leash, regardless of how well they behave.

We often call our dogs a member of our family and so we might as well treat them as one, because missing a family member would also mean losing a part of our life, wouldn’t you agree?

To see their heartfelt reunion as this dog appears to cry tears of joy, watch the video below.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: I Love My Dog So Much, M13
