Dog loves to make friends with fluffy dogs at daycare so she can lie on them during naps

Since she was a pup, Edna has been going to doggie daycare. Full of energy, Edna likes to play like a maniac for her first three or four hours at the daycare. Then, it is time for her to nap for the rest of the day. With so many other dogs around, the biggest problem she has is finding somewhere to lay. Edna, though, has got it covered.

Edna likes to take naps

Instagram/brigottfried Source: Instagram/brigottfried

Her usual plan is simple, find the fluffiest dog that happens to be at the daycare and make fast friends with them. Then she simply climbs atop them and promptly falls asleep. Edna is an equal opportunity napper, sleeping on dogs both big and small. As long as they are fluffy, she is fine with snoozing atop her new best friend, at least for that day.

Napping has become a challenge as she’s grown

Instagram/brigottfried Source: Instagram/brigottfried

“All the dogs seem to enjoy the snuggling company,” Brianna Gottfried, who is a member of Edna’s family, told The Dodo. “Even the tiny wiener dogs.”

This was fine when she was younger and smaller, but, as she’s grown, it’s made it a little more difficult. Edna refuses to stop, though, taking any opportunity that she can to find a nice, soft, snuggly dog, and getting some shut-eye.

Edna is a deep sleeper

Instagram/brigottfried Source: Instagram/brigottfried

The biggest problem with this arrangement, according to Gottfried, is that when she arrives to pick Edna up, she always has a hard time waking her. “When it’s time to go home I always have to peel her off of another dog,” Gottfried said.

Who can blame Edna?

Instagram/brigottfried Source: Instagram/brigottfried

Fortunately, most of the other dogs are okay with Edna’s eccentric behavior. Who knows, maybe they even like the arrangement. And you can’t blame Edna. Who wouldn’t like a big fluffy dog to take a nap on?

Once she is done napping, Edna likes to take even more naps

Instagram/brigottfried Source: Instagram/brigottfried

You would think with all of that napping during the day that Edna would be ready to go when she gets home, but Gottfried reports that is far from the case. Amazingly, Edna loves to nap on the couch when the two get home after daycare. Gottfried was able to snap a photo of the sleeping beauty and posted it to her Instagram page. She also wrote:

“I spend my Friday nights watching her sleep…”

Edna’s cuteness has only increased her popularity

Instagram/brigottfried Source: Instagram/brigottfried

Edna has quickly become popular with people online, with many of her fans commenting on how she has helped make their day better. In one case, an Instagram user said just that, stating, “This honestly made my day.” Another user commented on how adorable Edna was, saying, “Okay, hands down the cutest thing I’ve seen in a long time!”

Check out this video compilation of dogs sleeping in awkward, yet hilarious positions.

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Source: Daily News

H/T: The Dodo
