Rescue dog that lost her puppies adopts a litter of motherless kittens

With 18k+ views in under a week, it’s safe to say that we all need some more cute animal videos in our lives.

The video in question was posted by Phoenix, Arizona’s Sunshine Dog Rescue last week. And it showed the heartwarming generosity of an Australian Shephard Mix they’ve named Georgia, who was found living at a gas station near the US-Mexico border.

While Georgia was rescued, the shelter soon discovered she was pregnant. While they cared for her as best they could, she went into premature labor.

Sadly, all of Georgia’s puppies died during her emergency C-section.

Dogs do mourn – and the shelter workers said that the poor pup appeared depressed after the loss of her litter.

Anita Osa, the founder of Sunshine Dog Rescue, described the sad aftermath to WTKR News:

“I’ve never had a mom dog lose a whole litter before. The best way I could describe it was she was frantic. It was so sad, she was looking for those babies. She tore up the toddler mattress we had her on, trying to find her babies.”

But we implied that this was a heartwarming story, right?

Nothing was going to bring back those puppies, but Osa worked hard to find a way to help Georgia heal. She started by posting a message to Facebook asking if her contacts knew of any orphaned litters in need of a lactating mother.

It turns out someone had a trio that fit the bill. There was only one catch.

The orphans were kittens, not puppies.

Would it work?

It turns out animals are incredibly resilient both physically and emotionally. After a slow and careful introduction, Georgia bonded with the kittens – and they bonded with her as well.

“I introduced them to her gently. I first bought one out and let her sniff it, and she seemed to accept it, so I brought the others out. It’s amazing to see how she instantly calmed down,” said Osa.

Moms can sense when babies are in need – regardless of species, it seems.

“I think for the kittens, they have no idea that Georgia is a dog,” Osa added.

Georgia has been through a lot and her milk production is low, but she’s letting the kittens nurse on whatever she can produce.

“They do nurse on her. She cleans them and everything but the bond is strong. It’s really something to see, she protects those kittens just as if they were her babies,” Osa reported.

These days, Georgia isn’t missing out on any aspect of motherhood – even the exhaustion!

As you might imagine, thousands of people have commented on the shelter’s videos and photos as well as news stories about the sweet rescue.

“The most amazing story that teaches how we can help each other, no matter race, gender, breed or species,” was a common refrain.

If you’re interested in donating to the rescue’s mission to help animals like Georgia and her kittens, you can start by clicking here to donate to a specific animal or to the rescue in general.

Be sure to scroll down to see the news story about Georgia and her babies.

And be sure to visit Sunshine Dog Rescue’s videos for more sweet footage of this foursome.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: WTKR News, Daily Puppy, Facebook – Sunshine Dog Rescue
