New dog owner gets smothered in “kisses” after saving grateful pup from shelter

We’ll never know which lives we’ll save when we save one.

Most of us help others thinking that we’ve helped them, only to realize down the road, that those we’ve helped also did the same for us.

That’s what this story is.

Pexels - Pranidchakan Boonrom Source: Pexels - Pranidchakan Boonrom

We’ve heard stories of how people’s lives were changed after they brought in a rescued dog in their life.

And at that moment, they didn’t know that their lives would change forever.

Rescue is step 1.

Being rescued is just the first part of a dog’s rehabilitation. They will be taken to the shelter where they’ll get medical help, food, and shelter.

If they’re lucky, they’ll find themselves in their new beds with their new family.

Pexels - Alin Luna Source: Pexels - Alin Luna

But things don’t always end this way.

Sometimes, dogs can’t overcome preferences like breed, age, or capabilities. And when their time runs out, these innocent souls are put down.

Peanut’s time was almost up.

Peanut was 12 days in when she ended up in a kill shelter.

The poor dog didn’t know the fate that would befall her and she could only wish that someone would take her home.

It was then that a dog owner from Arizona came into her life.

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“We adopted Peanut after she spent 12 days in a kill shelter. She was deathly afraid of everything when she got to her new home.” The owner said, as quoted by Viral Hog.

Some people think that adopting is a one-way reward.

They’d think that a dog gets a forever home and that’s the end of that.

Dogs, however, does something that no other animal could give – unconditional love.

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The dog owner said that he was undergoing a lot of things before adopting Peanut.

His health was in decline.

He said that he was slowly deteriorating because of muscular dystrophy.

Facebook Screenshot - ViralHog Source: Facebook Screenshot - ViralHog

He was disabled and was broken because his previous dog of almost ten years passed away just a few months earlier.

He desperately needed a companion.

He decided to adopt Peanut.

His hope was that she could help he and his other dog heal.

“My other old dog has been depressed since her passing. I thought getting a younger dog that would keep him and I company and would make a great addition to the family.” He further shared through a Facebook post.

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But as much as we want to think it is, the process of transitioning isn’t always as easy for rescued dogs.

The dog owner said that Peanut was “deathly afraid of everything.”

Slowly, through his love and support, Peanut broke out of her mold.

“In the first two weeks, she quickly became the big baby in the house and loves dad!” he said in the Facebook post.

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And it was so apparent in how she shows her affection.

Peanut can be seen standing on her owner’s chest and giving him tons of love and kisses seemingly expressing her gratitude for being saved.

The feeling was mutual.

What little Peanut doesn’t know is she actually saved him.

This video only shows the profound effect that adoption has.

While most of us opt for buying, may we also think about the lives we’ll save when we chose to adopt.

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After all, all dogs are the same, whether they’re bought or rescued, they will all show unconditional love to those who take care of them.

See Peanut shower her owner with gratitude in the video below!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Facebook – ViralHog, ASPCA
