Dog goes for potty break in the rain – brings an abandoned kitten back to his home for shelter

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It’s raining cats and dogs? If this story is anything to go by, the phrase should be changed to: “It’s raining. Cats, look for friendly dogs.”

If most humans found a helpless kitten in the rain, they’d take them indoors. But how about if a dog found a kitten in this situation?

UI Here Source: UI Here

Cats and dogs stereotypically don’t get along. But this dog’s empathy overrides any aggressive tendencies.

Hazel is a three-year-old Yorkie, Chihuahua, poodle mix. That’s a pretty uncommon mix. But if Hazel’s actions are anything to go by, then they’re the best dogs.

Monica Hayes/Facebook Source: Monica Hayes/Facebook

Hazel’s owner, Monica, knows that Hazel can be let out into the yard on her own for potty breaks. One day, Monica Let Hazel out, and Hazel made an amazing discovery.

At first, the dog was alerted by a faint squeaking noise coming from under the shed in the yard.

Hazel investigated and found a tiny abandoned kitten shivering under the shed. The baby was calling out for her mother. But the mother was nowhere to be seen.

Hazel tried to coax the kitten out, but this only scared the baby. Hazel wouldn’t give up, though.

After a while, Monica became curious as to what Hazel was up to. She had been outside much longer than usual. So Monica looked outside, confused to see Hazel peering under the shed. Hazel noticed Monica had come to the window. So Hazel tried to draw her owner’s attention over to the kitten.

Happily/YouTube Source: Happily/YouTube

Luckily, the kitten now decided to come out from under the shed. Monica was amazed to see the tiny animal. Hazel started to walk back indoors, with the kitten in tow.

The kitten stopped several times on the walk back. Each time, Hazel too would stop. In fact, she was always looking backward to ensure that the kitten was still following.

Happily/YouTube Source: Happily/YouTube

Soon, Hazel and the kitten had reached the doorstep. Unfortunately, the step was too high for the exhausted kitten to climb.

So Hazel reached down and carefully lifted the kitten up.

Happily/YouTube Source: Happily/YouTube

As soon as the kitten was safely indoors, Hazel started licking her clean.

Soon, the kitten was nice and dry. Monica gave her some food and milk. It was clear that the kitten hadn’t eaten for some time.

Over the next few days, the kitten kept on growing.

Monica Hayes/Facebook Source: Monica Hayes/Facebook

She also became much happier, knowing that Hazel and Monica would keep her safe. Eventually, when the kitten had grown up enough, Monica took her to the vet. The vet confirmed that the kitten was now healthy.

Eventually, it was time for the kitten to find her own forever home. Luckily, the kitten would remain in Hazel and Monica’s life.

Monica’s brother, Michael, offered to adopt the kitten. He has since named the kitten Sheba.

Happily/YouTube Source: Happily/YouTube

Michael and Sheba are great friends. But Sheba is always happiest when she gets to meet up with Hazel and Monica.

A video of Hazel’s rescue then appeared on YouTube. It soon went viral. To date, it has gained over 1.4 million views. It also has more than 3,300 likes.

Monica has always known that Hazel has a big heart. But even she was amazed by the dog’s rescue. Thanks to Hazel, Sheba not only survived but was able to find a happy life.

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Source: Happily
