Boxer runs to newborn's crib after hearing its first cries and her adorable response melts hearts

Dogs and babies are probably among the cutest creatures on Earth, don’t you agree? They instantaneously make a house more lively and there are no dull moments whenever a baby or a dog is around.

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Being the guard of the house, sometimes, dog owners doubt whether their dog would behave well together with a baby or not. Usually, they fear that the dog might get aggressive and hurt a child; this is just one of the many factors why some families are not introducing their dogs to their babies.

Little do they know, a dog could be a baby’s best buddy!

Of course, that comes with proper guidance from the dog owners. There must still be precautionary measures taken when you let a dog go near a baby, especially a newborn.

Meeting a new member of the family.

YouTube - ElectricNoodleSoup Source: YouTube - ElectricNoodleSoup

When there is a new member of the family, not just the human family members get excited but also the furry ones. Dogs are also ecstatic and curious to meet the new face inside the house.

This video from a YouTube channel called ‘ElectricNoodleSoup‘ will most likely give both dog owners and new parents an idea of how dogs usually react to a baby, particularly when it cries.

In 2012 when they welcomed a new baby in their home, everyone was excited including their dog. In the video, the dog was just hiding under the baby’s crib like a diligent guard. Everything was steady and still until the newborn baby started crying.

YouTube - ElectricNoodleSoup Source: YouTube - ElectricNoodleSoup

The crying baby’s sound alerted the pooch, and pretty soon, the guard doggo started crying too. It’s as if the dog knew what the baby was feeling that’s why he decided to empathize with the newborn.

Why do dogs cry around babies?

YouTube - ElectricNoodleSoup Source: YouTube - ElectricNoodleSoup

According to Wag!, “Professor Ruffman states that this indicates the presence of empathy, meaning that the dogs subconsciously felt upset in response to the baby’s distress… Canine behavior experts have also stated that dogs pick up on the energy around them and that the energy of a crying baby causes the dog to feel upset.”

YouTube - ElectricNoodleSoup Source: YouTube - ElectricNoodleSoup

They also added that “If a new member of the family is added, your pup will naturally be curious. And with dogs having such a keen sense of hearing, even the slightest sounds will pique their interest. When your human baby starts to cry, your furbaby may react by ‘crying’ as well. One such way dogs cry is by whining. And this can simply be a reaction to the sound they are hearing coming from the new pack member. Since the new member of the family is making this noise your pup could simply want to join in, such as they do in the wild when howling with the pack.”

Well, that pretty much explains why the dog was whining when he heard the newborn baby crying.

Dogs around babies.

YouTube - ElectricNoodleSoup Source: YouTube - ElectricNoodleSoup

A trained home pet like a dog wouldn’t pose a threat in front of a baby, so long as there are no factors around that would aggravate them. Usually, when dog owners introduce their dogs to their new baby, the dog would just stare at it because it’s new to their eyes. Remember that a dog’s behavior depends largely on its environment, so, if there are no threats at all, they wouldn’t mind being near a baby just like the adorable dog in the video.

In the video’s caption, they wrote: “When we brought our first daughter home from the hospital we weren’t sure how the dog would react. Would she be jealous? Protective? We knew she would be a great family dog, but we didn’t expect this! The two of them are too cute!”

YouTube - ElectricNoodleSoup Source: YouTube - ElectricNoodleSoup

“The dog and baby are best friends and Bella follows Malina everywhere. Bella sleeps in her room most nights and is the first to alert us when she’s upset. In exchange for her vigilance as a guard dog, Bella is rewarded with far more baby snacks than we would ever allow. But our floors stay clean!”

Looks like the baby and the dog just found a new friend in each other.

Don’t forget to watch the video below.

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Source: YouTube – ElectricNoodleSoup, Wag!
