Dog rethinks decision to chase cat up a tree as firefighters come to his rescue

To some people, their pets are just another member of the family. So, when those animals are in trouble, their owners call for help. When this happens, it most often results in a call to the local fire department or the police. The next story tips the animal in trouble story on its head.

A reversal of roles

Pixabay – diego_monserrat Source: Pixabay – diego_monserrat

Usually, when you hear a story about an animal in a tree it is a cat. But what happens when a dog ends up being the one stuck in the tree.

In a hilarious twist of fate, that is exactly what happened to one California canine after he chased a neighborhood cat up into the branches of an old tree.

Pixabay – ArtisticOperations Source: Pixabay – ArtisticOperations

In most cases, the dog stops at the bottom of the tree and continues to bark at whatever feline is up in the tree branches. But this German shepherd had decided to continue pursuing the cat straight up into the branches of the leafless tree. That is when the dog came to a stark realization.

The local fire department was called in to help

Facebook- Lathrop Manteca Fire District Source: Facebook- Lathrop Manteca Fire District

Stuck in the tree with no way to get down, the local fire station was called to send help. Upon arriving, the district posted a status on its Facebook:

“You may have heard that our firefighters get cats out of trees, but what about dogs?!?! Right after Truck 30 and Engine 35 dropped off Santa that was exactly their next call.”

The German shepherd found herself in quite the predicament

Facebook- Lathrop Manteca Fire District Source: Facebook- Lathrop Manteca Fire District

The dog, Baby, was stuck at the top of the tree. The cat happily perched on a branch just out of reach.

What exactly she was going to do with the cat once she caught him was definitely a question on everyone’s minds, probably including baby’s.

Facebook- Lathrop Manteca Fire District Source: Facebook- Lathrop Manteca Fire District

As for the cat, he was definitely smarter than the dog that day as he was able to find his own way down without the aid of the firefighters. After Baby had been removed from her predicament, of course.

All’s well that ends well

Facebook- Lathrop Manteca Fire District Source: Facebook- Lathrop Manteca Fire District

The firefighters posted about the resolution to the situation on the District’s Facebook page:

“Glad to hear that all turned out well for this pooch. We are all pretty sure [she’ll] think twice about chasing cats up the next tree.”

Baby was reunited with her worried owner.

Facebook- Lathrop Manteca Fire District Source: Facebook- Lathrop Manteca Fire District

Upon reaching the ground, Baby was given some oxygen, just as a precaution.

She was also reunited with her mom, Sharon Thurston, who was so happy to have Baby safely on solid ground.

Facebook- Lathrop Manteca Fire District Source: Facebook- Lathrop Manteca Fire District

Thurston says that she and Baby still see the cat around the neighborhood when they go on walks, but she is keen to keep Baby by her side so that she doesn’t end up back in a tree again.

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Sources: Facebook- Lathrop Manteca Fire District, WSET ABC 13 News, The Animal Rescue Site
