Sweet dog is returned to shelter 11 times – but it turns out he had a higher purpose

Most dogs when they enter a shelter, they only get adopted once or they find their original owners. That’s not the case with this pooch.

Meet Gumby, an incredibly sweet Hound-mix.

Charleston Animal Society Source: Charleston Animal Society

As a Hound-mix owner, this writer knows all about the antics Gumby pulls.

As it turns out, Gumby was not adopted once but 11 times!

It had nothing to do with his personality traits but simply because he’s an escape artist with a propensity for a little (read a lot) of energy.

Hounds have a nose that will absolutely get them into trouble. Hounds were bred for hunting and have this intense sense of smell. When they lock in on a scent, they have to chase it down.

Thus is the case with poor Gumby.

Charleston Animal Society Source: Charleston Animal Society

Gumby simply couldn’t stay in one place.

When Gumby first arrived at the shelter, it was obvious he was in good health and someone had loved on him prior. As no one came forward, he was placed up for adoption.

The shelter in Charleston was shocked when Gumby kept coming back as he was so sweet in his disposition.

His second adoption lasted only three days!

The next family lasted only six days with Gumby. During his time with the third family, he wound up at the shelter four times because people kept picking him up assuming he was a stray. Seems like he escaped a time or two!

Charleston Animal Society Source: Charleston Animal Society

The family quickly realized they didn’t have the space Gumby needed to be fully himself and he ended up back at the shelter.

After the 10th family came and went for poor Gumby, the shelter realized they had to do something.

One family mentioned that Gumby destroyed the screen door in his efforts to escape. As someone with a Hound who has broken a window to get outside, we empathize with that poor family.

The Charleston Shelter quickly figured out that Gumby needed to just stay at the shelter and be the new “staff dog.”

Charleston Animal Society Source: Charleston Animal Society

He felt most at home at the shelter at this point anyway and everyone on staff loved him, it only made sense for him to stay and become a permanent resident.

Staff also noticed how great Gumby was with other dogs. He would ease the anxious newcomers and calm the fears of the shelter dogs. Gumby is now the in-house therapy dog for the dogs in the shelter.

I guess it proves we all need a little help sometimes!

Gumby and the staff seem to love this new arrangement! With no more escaping and plenty of friends to play with, Gumby is one happy dog.

“He plays with over 50 dogs a day has all the toys treats and food he can ask for and we love him like he is our own dog!” Kay Hyman says, a staff member of the Charleston Animal Society.

Be sure to watch this adorable video below of Gumby, the Charleston Animal Society Therapy Dog.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.


Source: AKC, Animal Channel, Charleston Animal Society
