Dog saves its owner from an encounter with a deadly snake

When you live in Australia, you have to become accustomed to potentially deadly creatures.

In fact, Australia has basically been meme-ified as the land of “NOPE.” Even nature-lovers have had to admit that the continent/country has more than its fair share of creepy crawlies and slithering surprises.

Luckily, for one man, his dog was there to save him from one potentially dangerous encounter.

Scrolling and slithering

A YouTuber named Drew posted a video from his security camera back in 2016 showing the moment in which his dog proved that she really is man’s best friend. In it, he’s simply sitting in his backyard, getting some sun, and scrolling through his phone – that is, until something slithers into view.

YouTube - Drew Source: YouTube - Drew

It’s hard to see at first, but heading straight for him is a brown snake.

“Brown snake is the common name for Pseudonaja, a genus of highly venomous snakes that includes the Eastern brown snake, considered the second most venomous land snake in the world,” according to Australia’s Billabong Sanctuary.

YouTube - Drew Source: YouTube - Drew

These snakes are so venomous that even bites from juveniles can kill. Welcome to Australia!

A hairy moment

Of course, it’s entirely likely that the snake was just minding its business and on its way from point A to point B and not on a mission to murder. But it’s best not to take chances – and most people can’t control their reactions at the moment when they’re surprised and afraid.

Drew’s dog, however, knew exactly what to do. She followed the snake as it approached her owner, making sure it wasn’t a threat.

YouTube - Drew Source: YouTube - Drew

And she took action once she realized where it was headed.

Taking action

In the caption of his video, Drew said:

“Had a really close encounter with a brown snake today. After watching the footage on the security cam it looks like our dog stopped it going inside and if it wasn’t for her I would have probably kept looking at my phone. I think we were both a bit lucky today.”

YouTube - Drew Source: YouTube - Drew

This whole situation is not ok with the dog, so once the snake is closer to dad than it is to her, she makes her move.

She probably knows that once humans are in that zombie scrolling mode on their phones, there’s very little that will break their attention.

YouTube - Drew Source: YouTube - Drew

Saving the day

The pup makes her way over to her dad to bring his attention to the potential threat. (Of course, it doesn’t look like the snake poses much of a threat, but we can’t blame the dog for reacting that way.)

YouTube - Drew Source: YouTube - Drew

And once she catches his attention and brings it to the brown snake slithering under his feet, he has the reaction we all would – he freaks out.

Picking his feet up off the ground, his instinct is clearly to get the heck out of there.

YouTube - Drew Source: YouTube - Drew

Good man, good dog

What we really love about the video is that he doesn’t make a run for it alone. Plenty of people would have just fled the scene as fast as possible. But Drew knows this is a no man (or dog) left behind situation.

He grabs the pup’s leash so there’s no confrontation between the creatures.

YouTube - Drew Source: YouTube - Drew

He ushers the dog to safety, moving back towards the house. The snake is allowed to go on its way as well.

“It was adorable that he didn’t just leave like a coward, he held his dogs and took him to a place not near the snake!!!” said one of the video’s many viewers.

YouTube - Drew Source: YouTube - Drew

It looks like everyone escaped the situation safely!

Be sure to scroll down below to see the video for yourself.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Australia’s Billabong Sanctuary, YouTube – Drew, Relieved
