Dog is ecstatic to see her owners at the shelter, but they were there to pick another dog

Losing a loved one is beyond heartbreaking and the pain is almost impossible to bear. And believe it or not, this also applies to animals.

This unfortunate dog’s heart was shattered into pieces when her owners gave up on her – not to mention that it was just days after her biological father died.

This dog ended up in the shelter and a sadder story was behind it.

Zuzu is a German Shepherd and she was just 2 years old when she lost her biological father. She and her father were then living with their adoptive family. Because of her father’s passing, she became a sad dog and was depressed and crying all the time. She even started trying to run away from home.

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Unfortunately, the neighbor didn’t seem to understand where Zuzu was coming from, they were furious and they called the animal control to report the incident. She was then handed over to the Downey Animal Care Center in California. The staff from the animal care center assumed that Zuzu was just the usual stray dog so they treated her as one. Attempts to cheer her up were made but to no luck because she was so nervous and kept her distance from people.

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Desi Lara, a volunteer at the shelter told The Dodo, “She is a friendly girl but I sensed sadness and confusion. Most dogs zoom around the yard. She treaded softly, nervous to look around.”

Zuzu’s mood suddenly changed right after seeing a family. Did she know them? The poor dog’s action said it best.

Zuzu’s behavior changed when she saw a family. The family was paying a visit to the shelter to look for potential dogs. As soon as Zuzu saw them, her frown turned into a smile. Her tail was wagging like a tornado, her face was lit up, and her aura immediately became positive. It was clear that she knew who they were.

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On the other hand, it also appeared that the family knew Zuzu as well. They all came close to where the dog was standing and started to stick their hands out of the fence to pet her. The staff from the animal care center thought that they were witnessing a touching reunion of a family and their lost pet. They were under the impression that the family and Zuzu would all go back home together – but, unfortunately, they were wrong.

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“All of a sudden she was all excited, doing a little zoom. A joyous personality came out when she saw her people. But the family told them they were looking for another dog,” Desi said.

“They didn’t want her back because she kept escaping,” Janay Chapin, a trainer at Shelter Me, told The Dodo. Still, it’s undeniable that the dog also thought that that day, she will be going back home.

“She became a whole new dog the second she set eyes on the man,” Chapin added.

Zuzu’s hopes vanished in an instant and it crushed people’s hearts.

It looked like Zuzu’s former family was not willing to give their dog the time to heal from her father’s passing. They couldn’t extend their patience in handling the dog’s depression, so they thought replacing her would put a stop to their dilemma.

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Luckily, after that sad scene, a rescue organization came to take Zuzu. They were positive that it wouldn’t take long for them to get her a new forever home – along with a new family that wouldn’t abandon her during her worst days.

Just like humans, animals have feelings too.

People aren’t the only ones who can feel emotions. Many animals also feel pain when they lose someone they love, be it their human companion or an animal friend. As pet owners, we should be ready to give them time to “move on” and become their old selves again. Don’t give up on them, because they would never give up on you.

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Source: Animal Channel, The Dodo, YouTube/Inside Edition
