Dog survives after being shot in the face and wins hearts of T.V. viewers

Animal cruelty still exists and as much as we’re trying to stop it, there are still plenty of animals who are suffering at the hands of these monsters.

Animal abusers ARE monsters!

What else can we call them? Beating, torturing, and killing innocent animals for fun? Why do these people do these kinds of horrible things?

What’s worse is that even kids are able to do this.

Millie is a “miracle dog” or, to some, one tough survivor.

She won the hearts of the viewers of ITV’s The Morning Show after her story was featured last March 13, 2020.

She was from Russia and at a very young age (just a few months old), Millie was attacked by a group of young kids. What they did to this poor puppy was unimaginable.

They were just kids? Yes, but they knew what they were doing.

They didn’t even hesitate to act on their plan. They started beating the poor puppy, “bashing” her small face over and over again, and, if that wasn’t enough, they decided to shoot her in the face.

Then, they left her to die.

Poor Millie was rescued but she was left with severe deformities.

The first thing that you will notice is that Millie doesn’t have a snout anymore; this was due to the blunt force trauma she experienced that day.

Aside from that, there are still 2 bullets inside her head until today, but Millie isn’t a quitter. She is a fighter.

The survivor dog and her beloved rescuer, Kasey Carlin, were both guests on the celebrated T.V. show. They were also joined by Dr. Scott Miller, the show’s resident veterinarian.

Everyone felt sad when they saw Millie but she was relaxed. She even liked the attention.

In the interview, Eamonn Holmes started asking Kasey about her decision to save Millie.

According to them, most dogs within this situation would be put down.

Dr. Miller answered:

“Look when you see catastrophic injuries like that, sometimes it is in the best interests of the dog to have them put to sleep. Certainly, I know the foundation and Kasey supports that. In this case, this was a dog that had some primary treatment, showed [a] massive response to that therapy, and that’s when the charity got involved. And so they’ve just followed on with that and tried to give this dog the best possible treatment. What we have now is this dog that, you can see, she’s so affectionate, she’s very sweet, she can smell, she’s got her sense of smell, and she’s enjoying life. She does have a good quality of life.”

After Millie’s story had been featured, it made a huge impression on the people of the UK.

They shared her story and even inspired her owner to create an Instagram account for her.

Millie’s Instagram account already has 89K followers!

Many have shared how they were heartbroken by her story; some said that Millie is such an inspiration, and others just wanted to let Millie know that she is loved by many.

Today, Millie’s life is way better.

She’s at home and she is safe and most of all, she didn’t allow her horrible experience to stop her from living a beautiful life. She is alive and she is happy. Don’t forget to follow beautiful Millie on Instagram.

To see the T.V. interview that won Millie a fan-base of millions, watch the video below.

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Source: This Morning, milliethewunderdog
