Dog sleeps soundly in the car – then her favorite song comes on

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video!

There’s nothing quite like hearing one of your favorite songs on the radio. Lola the Shiloh Shepherd loves it so much, she just can’t resist singing along.

Lola and Annie were on a long road trip.

At first, Lola was excited at seeing the world zoom by outside of the car window. But as time passed, she got sleepy. Soon, she was in a deep slumber.

Annie Aul/YouTube Source: Annie Aul/YouTube

But then the Queen song We Are The Champions started playing. Annie started singing along to every line.

Lola always loved it when this song came on. The sound of the music was telling her brain to wake up and get singing with her owner and Freddie Mercury. But Lola wanted to sleep. So she tried to resist the urge to sing.

Annie Aul/YouTube Source: Annie Aul/YouTube

But just as Freddie Mercury was getting passionate with the lyrics, Lola could resist no more. She raised up her head and started wailing along to the music.

Annie started laughing. She knew that Lola wouldn’t be able to resist this song. It had just been a question of when she would start singing.

Annie Aul/YouTube Source: Annie Aul/YouTube

Then at the chorus, Lola started whining along to the words, “We are the champions, my friends.”

Lola then paused for the next few lyrics. When Mercury started singing, “We are the champions,” Lola started whining again. Clearly, these were by far her favorite lyrics.

And Lola kept on singing along with the rest of the song. Annie kept on laughing, realizing all over again just how great her beloved dog was.

Annie then uploaded her and Lola’s performance to YouTube, where it soon went viral. To date, the video has gained over 7.5 million views. It also has more than 5,200 likes and 350 comments. People have been saying things like this:

Annie Aul/YouTube Source: Annie Aul/YouTube

And We Are The Champions isn’t the only song that Lola loves to sing along to.

Annie has also uploaded a couple of Lola’s other performances.

One of them shows her singing along with Paranoia In B Major by The Avett Brothers.

Lola sang along to this song even more enthusiastically than she did to We Are The Champions.

But perhaps that’s just because she was less sleepy when the song started playing.

And then Annie uploaded another video of Lola singing that same song, but with a twist.

This time Happy, Lola’s brother, sang along with her.

But Happy was no way near as enthusiastic as Lola. In fact, it kind of looks like he was just singing along now and then to give his sister a little encouragement.

This shows that some dogs love to sing, while others don’t really care.

Woof.nd.meow/Instagram Source: Woof.nd.meow/Instagram

Of course, some dog breeds are more prone to singing than others. Alaskan Malamutes, Bassett Hounds, Norwegian Lundehunds, Golden Retrievers and New Guinea Singing Dogs are five of the breeds most likely to enjoy singing. (The last breed on that list should come as little surprise, as the name literally includes words “singing dog.”)

So if you want a dog to sing along with you like Lola, then there are no guarantees, but the five breeds above are your best bets!

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Source: Annie Aul, Dogster
