Dog swims five miles back to shore after falling off of boat in middle of bay

It’s a different kind of pain when we lose our pets.

People lose their pets in different ways.

Sometimes they escape the yard, during walks, or in a middle of a trip.

This kind of nightmare happened to a skipper when in the middle of a voyage, his dog was nowhere to be found.

He thought all hope was lost.

Then a miracle happened.

Keith Soffes and his dog Monster have always been close.

Besides doing usual dog things like going on walks and such, he always brings Monster with him whenever he sets out to fish.

She’s no stranger to boats.

He shared that Monster has always been a part of their operations on his shrimp boat so Monster has a good set of sea legs already.

They were lifting the net back up on the boat when he noticed that Monster wasn’t standing where she usually does.

This made Scoffes nervous.

Apparently, Monster fell over overboard.

Maybe with the noise of their operations or the pace of work on deck, but none seemed to notice when Monster plopped into the water.

“I said, ‘Where she at?’ It was the middle of the bay, pretty much. I mean, you know, open water, four or five miles from any type of land,” he said as quoted by PEOPLE. “My heart just fell. I couldn’t even speak.”

But Soffes won’t accept defeat easily.

He sailed up and down the coast, looking for his best friend.

But as much as he wanted to keep on looking for her, at some point, he has to call the search off.

He turned to social media for help.

He then logged on to his Facebook account and posted a notice.

He told people the story behind him and Monster and what happened during that fateful day.

“I lost the one thing in this world that I truly loved. My best friend. Monster dog,” he wrote on the social media site. “We don’t really know what happened. We think she fell off the boat on a slick calm day. She had been on the boat her whole life.”

He also left some instructions in case people have leads.

He kept on posting his notices hoping that a person is looking for his details because they found Monster.

Five days later, he received a tip.

The lady said she saw a dog that looks awfully like Monster at the park.

Miles and miles

It baffled Soffes because they were five miles out from the shore when Monster went missing.

That would mean his dog would have to swim miles and miles to safety.

Then, as he followed the lead, Soffes was led to a miraculous encounter.

Soffes found his dog in a trailer park that the lady mentioned.

He said that the reunion really made him emotional to the point that he couldn’t even speak because he was crying so much.

In turn, Monster gave lots of kisses.

Soffes suspects that Monster survived because she’s always on a boat or in the water.

He thanked the people who shared the post and to those who sent him prayers.

As for Monster, the first things he got after the amazing journey was a hamburger and an ice cream.

Learn more about Monster’s incredible journey in the video below!

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Source: YouTube – FOX 26 Houston, Facebook – Keith Soffes
