Woman whose dog was stolen spots the dog thieves and takes matters into her own hands

We can count on dogs to stay by our side–even when chasing the mailman or distracted by a squirrel. Nevertheless, our pups need constant supervision because if you don’t always keep an eye on them, some nefarious individuals might steal one for themselves and do who-knows-what to it.

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As ludicrous as the idea might sound, there’s no guarantee it won’t happen to you. And 37-year-old Jessica Gary learned that when a stranger dognapped her chihuahua.

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Gary’s 15-year-old dog was off his leash and playing right behind Gary on a casual Saturday morning in late June 2019. It was 8 am at Brooklyn’s Prospect Park, a time when dogs were allowed to be off-leash. Then, without warning, Gary heard a yelp and turned around to see her dog had vanished.


Gary and her friends posted the incident on social media and hung signs around the neighborhood offering a $3000 reward.


Gary spent two days searching around for Fidel, and with every passing hour, she became more scared for her dog’s wellbeing. Fidel was old and needed medication daily, furthering the stakes for Gray’s desperate search.


Fidel is a famous dog on social media. He and his brother, Tito, have an Instagram page managed by their fiercely protective owner.


Gary spent the entire weekend searching for Fidel across Brooklyn.

Then, when all hope seemed to be lost, a chance encounter led to a reunion between pet and owner. Near Atlantic Station, by 5th avenue and Douglass Street, Gary saw an unknown woman and man walking her dog. Relieved and livid at the revelation, Gary and her friends took matters into their own hands.

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Gary and her two friends approached the couple and snatched Fidel back.

One friend took the leash from the woman’s hand while another grabbed the chihuahua.

But the story didn’t end there. After rescuing Fidel, the man chased after Gary and her friends. When the ladies got to the car, he tried opening the door before using a skateboard to try and break the windows.


Thankfully, they got away, and Fidel and Gary were at last reunited. As for the dognapper and mysterious couple, neither were identified nor apprehended by police.

Although Gary is overjoyed to have found her dog, she still doesn’t plan on taking him back to the park.

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Dognapping can be a stressful situation for all parties involved.

Dog owner heads go a million miles an hour in different directions, and one could only imagine the fear and confusion on the dog’s part. Hopefully, this story can serve as a cautionary tale to other pet owners with a timeless moral: always keep an eye on your dog.

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Source: YouTube – CBS New York, ABC7, Instagram
