Dog is too scared to step onto an escalator – Owner carries him like a baby

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video!

It’s pretty typical for dogs to be scared of things like fireworks and escalators. But this golden retriever’s fear is very cute.

The fear of escalators is aptly known as escalaphobia. In humans, it’s irrational. But is it so odd for dogs to dislike escalators?

Inside Edition/YouTube Source: Inside Edition/YouTube

When you’re a dog, fearing escalators is much more understandable. After all, some things, as far as dogs are concerned, just shouldn’t move, with steps being high up on the list. Just think, for a dog, an escalator is like if a tree just started walking around.

Google the golden retriever is one dog who cannot stand escalators.

Googlegoldendorado/Instagram Source: Googlegoldendorado/Instagram

One day, on a trip to the mall with his owners, Google had to confront his greatest fear: the escalator. When Google’s owner led him close to the escalator, how did the dog react? Like a little baby.

The dog shrank down onto the floor and refused to walk an inch closer to the dreaded machine.

Googlegoldendoarado/Instagram Source: Googlegoldendoarado/Instagram

Luckily, Google’s owner was not at all annoyed by his dog’s behavior. Instead, he just leaned down, lifted him up and carried him over to the escalator like the baby the dog was being.

Passersby couldn’t help but smile as they noticed the dog cling onto his owner’s torso for dear life.

Googlegoldendorado/Instagram Source: Googlegoldendorado/Instagram

Then the owner and the dog started ascending the escalator.

Soon, the dog and the owner were safely on the next floor of the mall, and they both stepped off.

Googlegoldendorado/Instagram Source: Googlegoldendorado/Instagram

Google could relax. Sadly, he didn’t realize that he would have to go down another escalator to get back to the car.

Luckily, Google’s other owner was filming the entire sequence of events. The video then appeared on Google’s Instagram page, where it soon went viral.

To date, the video has gained over 2.6 million views. It also has more than 4,400 comments. People have been saying things like this:

Googlegoldendorado/Instagram Source: Googlegoldendorado/Instagram

Google has been with his owners since 2016. They adopted him when he was just a little puppy.

That first Christmas, Google, like any other child, was excited to meet Santa Claus. He even got to sit on Santa’s lap.

Googlegoldendorado/Instagram Source: Googlegoldendorado/Instagram

Google soon grew into a rambunctious teenager before settling down as a happy young adult.

Then Google was lucky enough to attend his owners’ wedding.

Googlegoldendorado/Instagram Source: Googlegoldendorado/Instagram

Google’s antics have led to lots of fans. Today, over 120,000 people follow the dog on Instagram.

And believe it or not, Google’s fear of escalators is justified. Inside Edition has reported on the dangers of dogs riding on escalators.

At the very end of escalator rides, dogs don’t know to step over the grate, meaning that their paws can get caught in them. When this happens, it can even result in dogs having to go to the vet for surgery.

The best thing to do with a dog is to avoid taking them on escalators altogether. Instead, take the stairs or an elevator. But if you have no choice but to take a dog up an escalator, then pick them up, just like Google’s owner.

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Source: googlegoldendorado, Inside Edition
