Dog protests owner’s decision to leave the dog park, ending in hilarious scene

Meet the dog that doesn’t want to go home.

He probably has a nice home, it’s just not as nice as the park, apparently.

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Dad, I don’t wanna go

Picture it: a man and his adorable Golden Retriever go to the park. The dog is in a “mood.” The kind of mood we’re in when, say, the alarm goes off in the morning, or something takes us away from fun, comfort, or productivity.

Well, when it came to having to go home, this dog put up the mother of all fights. It just flat-out refused with every fiber of its being.

This dog is all of us

Commenters could relate immediately.

“The dog is me, the grass is my bed, and the owner is the world,” said one.

Presumably, after being told it was time to go, the dog just fell over and played “dead” (or at least “asleep”). His owner tries to reason with him (it’s what good owners do even it if it an entirely futile endeavor to try and converse with a dog).

Things get even funnier when he tries to take the dog by the arms. But this game will not work.

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The Golden Retriever has its mind set on staying in the park. And you have to admit that there’s some intelligence there – or at least a cohesive plan to stay longer.

The arm trick almost works…

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…but then not so much.

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A patient owner

The owner deserves some credit here. He wants the dog to come under its own free will. And, to be fair, it’s hard to scoop up a dog in that position – that’s a backache later for sure!

He gives in to some final moments of play. Grabbing the dog’s paws again, they do a little dance. Fun, right? A good way to cap off a trip to the park!

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He even finds a little stick to tap the dog’s nose with (likely to prove to the dog that he knows he’s not sleeping).

The pup can’t resist putting his teeth around it and playing a tiny game of tug-o-war.

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Then it’s time for a battle of wills. An eye-to-eye “talk” about what’s really reasonable here. Is it necessary to go home? Can’t they stay just a few more minutes?

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Dog and owner remain at an impasse.

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How to win the game

There are only two ways this can end – more time at the park, or getting the dog to have a chance of heart and begrudgingly come along.

The owner tries the same tactics all over again to no avail. The Golden Retriever has the willpower of…well, a Golden Retriever.

So the owner throws a tiny stick, perhaps thinking that if he can get the dog on its feet, he can distract him and direct him back to the car.

YouTube Screenshot - wipandco Source: YouTube Screenshot - wipandco

But no dice, the stick – and therefore the reward – is too tiny. The dog is interested enough to watch…from the ground.

For whatever reason, this leads to a random crotch-licking moment for the dog and no-doubt some perturbed eye rolls from the owner.

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Hey, maybe he can just walk the whole way home and the dog can sit there – and then everybody wins!

Alas, we don’t think the leash is long enough.

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The nuclear option

That’s it. It’s time to go. Dad brings out the big guns.

No yelling, no punishment, no dragging the dog. It’s time for the old “stick in the mouth” trick.

Dad takes a tiny stick and puts it in his own mouth. The dog gives him a look like “oh no you didn’t!”

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But oh yes he did. And however dog brains work, the trick made something clicked inside of this dog.

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We’ll let you scroll down below to see the rest of this particular comedy. We couldn’t help but laugh at how it all ended.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: YouTube – wipandco, The Star
