Man records dog farting louder than any human he’s ever heard and garners over 8 million views

Dogs fart. It’s a fact.

They fart just like humans do and for all the same reasons.

And if you find farting funny for any reason, then we’ve got a video for you to enjoy. In fact, since it was posted in 2017, a 3:47 video of a dog letting out various farts of epic proportions has been viewed over 8 million times.

YouTube Screenshot - Billy Howard Source: YouTube Screenshot - Billy Howard

We’re not sure we want to know what that says about us as a civilization.

The dog in question

Billy Howard has posted about 20 videos on his YouTube page, but only one has gone viral – the one that consists of nothing but dog farts.

And they’re not just regular flatulent episodes, to be fair. They’re very loud. In fact, the dog’s farts are also so long that we kind of wonder what he’s being fed.

YouTube Screenshot - Billy Howard Source: YouTube Screenshot - Billy Howard

And we’re not alone.

“This dog needs a change in diet. The food is causing gastrointestinal issues… My dog had the same ridiculous farts until I switched up his food,” remarked one commenter.

The video consists of nothing but a large, brown dog sitting around the house at various points in the day and letting them rip.

YouTube Screenshot - Billy Howard Source: YouTube Screenshot - Billy Howard

Seriously, that’s it.


The dog doesn’t seem to care or be ashamed of these episodes, of course. But dogs do have a keen sense of smell, so we’re wondering why he seemed to lay there so long afterward.

This dog doesn’t seem to care about much in general. And plenty of people noticed that he seemed somewhat solemn about his farting.

“I’ve never seen a dog with such a solemn look on his face as he passes such intense gas. He looks like he’s at a funeral for a dear friend.”

YouTube Screenshot - Billy Howard Source: YouTube Screenshot - Billy Howard

He doesn’t seem to be in pain, so perhaps he really just takes his talent seriously. Commenters also pointed out that the dog is old and could have lost the ability to control his farts. But we’d like to meet the dog that’s ever cared enough not to just fart in front of everyone.

It’s funny until it’s not

Ok, so you may just pump up the volume and watch this dog fart over and over again. But if you have your own farting dog at home, you probably don’t find it quite as amusing.

Excess gas could actually be causing your dog pain and if your dog is a frequent farter, you really should see a vet about their diet.

Pixabay Source: Pixabay

According to the American Kennel Club, while dog farting is normal, “Some dogs also tend to swallow a lot of air when they eat and drink, especially speed-eaters…Like the gas formed in their digestive tract, this swallowed air is also expelled by farting.”

Just like humans, dogs fart every day. But if they are particularly stinky, then it could be cause for concern. Laugh if you must, but you should also be sure your dog isn’t suffering from colitis or IBS by checking with a vet.

If you do decide to switch foods, you also need to remember that dogs have sensitive tummies and change should happen slowly lest the farting get even worse and be accompanied by an upset stomach or diarrhea.

Avoid living with a champion farter

There are plenty of dog fart videos on the Internet, so giving your pooch gas isn’t going to make you rich and famous, so it’s time to cut down on anything that might give your dog gas.

Try to control their food intake so there’s no speed-eating going on (this is particularly important if you have more than one dog). Avoid too many vegetables that may lead to stinkier farts and, of course, do not feed your dog table scraps, and be sure to keep them out of the trash.

Pixabay Source: Pixabay

Exercise can also help cut down on gas.

Of course, there will inevitably be moments when your dog can’t help it and lets out a big, stinky fart. In those moments, just remember you’re not alone.

You can scroll down below in case you want proof that someone’s dog is probably a worse farter than your own.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: American Kennel Club, YouTube – Billy Howard
