Sneaky dogs help toddler “break out” of crib – all sneak to the kitchen for a midnight snack

The bond between a human and an animal is often indescribable and absolutely magnificent, and those bonds can certainly start forming at a very early age. Some smaller children aren’t a fan of pets because they make a lot of noise and take away mom and dad’s attention, but eventually, most of them end up liking four-footers in the house nonetheless. After a while, they couldn’t miss them.

Cheese Pups Source: Cheese Pups

Sometimes, the opposite is also true: having a new child in the home can result in some jealousy by pets because now there’s a battle for attention.

For the parents of baby Chloe, these questions wandered around in their heads ever since Chloe was born.

Cheese Pups Source: Cheese Pups

The couple hoped that Chloe would get along with them just fine, but they also hoped that their four-footers would show their loyal and affectionate side, and take care of her. They knew that the pups were very protective, but they were still wondering and somewhat anxious to see how four-footers Colby and Bleu would respond to baby Chloe in the house.

Luckily, Colby and Bleu absolutely adored their human sibling since day one.

Cheese Pups Source: Cheese Pups

The bond between the three of them was absolutely amazing, and it didn’t take long before Chloe started to realize that having two loyal dogs around was pretty cool. Sometimes Chloe would do them a favor, albeit in an unintentional but funny manner.

For example, the two pooches are always up quite early and are always in the mood for breakfast as well, but sometimes their owners aren’t awake early to feed them – and with a baby in the house, sleep becomes very precious and limited for parents.

Cheese Pups Source: Cheese Pups

Luckily, it also turned out to have its benefits. Whenever baby Chloe is eating, she tends to be a bit messy and drops some food on the floor – which is absolutely a good thing if you ask the two dogs. Somehow, the floor always manages to stay clean.

Baby Chloe started to drop some bites of her meal on purpose too, sometimes. It’s clear that all three of them continued to make their connection stronger.

Cheese Pups Source: Cheese Pups

“Colby parks himself under Chloe’s high chair every night. Lately, she’s gotten tall enough to reach into their food bin, so she scoops out kibble and drops it for them, much to our chagrin,” dad Chris told.

One day, mom Nina was very surprised to see Chloe wandering around in the house on her own, as she sleeps in a crib and can’t get out by herself.

Cheese Pups Source: Cheese Pups

A child of her age couldn’t have gotten out on her own – but she could count on a few accomplices. At only fifteen months old, her parents were shocked that she got out of her bedroom.

“We were shocked! How was she able to get out of bed? This is the first time she’s ever made an escape like this. Did she grow?”

Mom and dad remembered that there was a baby camera installed in the room with a rewind feature, so they decided to check the earlier footage.

Cheese Pups Source: Cheese Pups

The two dogs arrived at around six in the morning to help baby Chloe escape from her crib.

They opened the door for her and even tried to wake her up quietly. One four-footer was even smart enough to lure the baby out with a toy, and it worked brilliantly. These two furry friends must’ve been hungry and simply wanted someone to give them breakfast.

With Chloe now awake, she headed towards the kitchen to get some dog food. Luckily, mom also woke up and intercepted the sneaky plan just in time.

Cheese Pups Source: Cheese Pups

Now that they know exactly what happened, mom and dad can’t help but laugh about the whole thing.

“I knew we had to childproof our house. Guess we’ll have to dog-proof it too.”

Even though the dogs won’t be able to wake Chloe again thanks to some new dog-proof measures, all of them still get along great. Colby and Bleu regularly receive tasty treats from Chloe, even if that means they’ll have to wait for breakfast a little bit longer.

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Source: Cheese Pups, Inspire More
