Hero dog risks his life to save little girl in danger

Dogs are such amazing creatures.

Our dogs are usually gentle and sweet. They’d jump on us and give us kisses once we get home. Sometimes, they’re just crazy troublemakers who love drinking seawater and barfing it all out or expert stick hunters who bring in the biggest pieces into our homes.

Pexels - Jozef Fehér Source: Pexels - Jozef Fehér

And while we can dismiss them as goofy and funny, there are moments when dogs surprise us with their bravery and dedication.

YouTube content creator TrTube compiled these amazing moments in a video.

A clip when around the internet where a neighborhood dog attacked an unsuspecting kid while he was playing right outside their home.

Pexels - Jozef Fehér Source: Pexels - Jozef Fehér

You can see on the video that once the neighbor’s dog saw the kid, it immediately slipped through the gate and charged at the little boy.

Then, a brown dog jumps into view.

Before the neighbor’s dog could reach the kid, their family dog pushed the boy to the ground. The neighborhood dog missed the kid and found himself staring at a very angry and protective family dog.

YouTube Screenshot - TrTube Source: YouTube Screenshot - TrTube

Thanks to the dog’s quick thinking and reaction time, no one was hurt or injured. It just goes to show how willing dogs are in protecting us.

In another case, a dog protected his human, and in turn, was protected as well.

A coyote manages to jump over a mid-height fence. But before it could attack the family, a pit bull charged toward the wild animal.

YouTube Screenshot - TrTube Source: YouTube Screenshot - TrTube

There was a short staring contest, then the pit bull folded. Before things got worse, the pit bull’s owner shouted at the coyote and chased it away from the dog and their yard.

Humans, first and foremost, get dogs for protection.

This idea proved to be true when a man evaded a crime, all thanks to his dogs.

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He was about to park inside their house when an SUV stopped right behind his car. Meanwhile, the girl by the entrance opened their gate thinking everything was normal.

YouTube Screenshot - TrTube Source: YouTube Screenshot - TrTube

When she realized that the old man was surrounded by armed men, she tried closing the gate as fast as she could. Fortunately, she wasn’t fast enough to stop their Dobermans from slipping through.

The dogs scared off the assailants with their tails tucked between their legs.

One of the most amazing moments was when a tiny dog stopped an accident from happening. A little girl was waddling dangerously close to the road.

YouTube Screenshot - TrTube Source: YouTube Screenshot - TrTube

As the car approached, a little dog charged at the little girl and pulled her down the grass so she won’t cross recklessly. The tiny dog then stood in between the girl and the car and started barking. If not for the dog, things would’ve been very different.

This only goes to prove that dogs, no matter how silly, are truly paying attention. Through evolving together for thousands of years, dogs can immediately sense if we are in grave danger and would accordingly to protect us and their pack.

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Watch how these dogs heroically put their lives in danger just to save the people they love.

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Source: YouTube – TrTube, Reader’s Digest
