Dog’s joy is uncontainable when his soldier girl returns home

A family who has someone serving in the military deals with life in a different way.

Life is never the same once their loved-one gets deployed somewhere far from home.

Pexels/Pixabay Source: Pexels/Pixabay

Not only that they get separated from their family member for a certain period of time, but there’s also the lingering fear about their safety. Because we all know that those who serve in the military put their lives at risk, it can’t be helped because it’s a part of their job.

Pexels/La Miko Source: Pexels/La Miko

Dogs somehow feel the same way too, especially when they don’t see their human companions for quite some time. Just like this dog who misses her human as much as the rest of the family does.

Her mom feared that she would forget her during her absence.

Facebook/Robbi Cabrera Source: Facebook/Robbi Cabrera

US Army soldier, Casandra Cabrera wasn’t able to come back home for 10 months!

She had been deployed overseas but, thanks to advanced technology, she was able to keep in touch with her family and let them know how much she missed them.

Facebook/Robbi Cabrera Source: Facebook/Robbi Cabrera

The only sad part was that she couldn’t do the same for Missy May, her dog.

She was afraid of the possibility that her dog might forget her. Casandra explains that her dog was still just a young pup when her deployment came.

“I left when she had just turned 1, and wasn’t sure if she would remember me after all that time.”

Facebook/Robbi Cabrera Source: Facebook/Robbi Cabrera

Now that Missy May’s mom is coming home, we will see if she still remembers her.

Casandra’s mother, Robbi Cabrera, brought Missy May to the airport with her to welcome their soldier home after her 10-month deployment. Robbi knew that Casandra had been missing her dog something fierce, and she didn’t want to prolong their separation.

At first, Missy May looked puzzled and had no idea what she was doing there. She was just sitting calmly beside Robbi and staring at the passers-by.

Then, she saw her favorite soldier mom.

Facebook/Robbi Cabrera Source: Facebook/Robbi Cabrera

Missy May’s tail started to wag non-stop and, as soon as Casandra got closer, she welcomed her with uncontainable joy.

She was so ecstatic and jumping all over Casandra.

She was just so happy to see her mom again, and we can’t blame her! The first 2 years of a puppy’s life is the equivalent of 15 human years, after all, and Casandra had been gone for nearly half of them.

Facebook/Robbi Cabrera Source: Facebook/Robbi Cabrera

Casandra gave her pooch the warmest hugs in the world- no easy feat, since Missy May couldn’t stop jumping with insuppressible excitement.

She gave her soldier-mom all the kisses and licks that she’d been longing to give her for the past 10 months.

Facebook/Robbi Cabrera Source: Facebook/Robbi Cabrera

“Her reaction absolutely warmed my heart,” Casandra said.

It finally became clear that the distance and the amount of time that they were away from each other didn’t affect Missy May’s love for mom.

It looked like Casandra’s face was already engraved in the dog’s heart and mind.

Facebook/Robbi Cabrera Source: Facebook/Robbi Cabrera

Robbi, on the other hand, was just quietly watching the beautiful reunion of the two.

She didn’t mind giving Missy May the first hugs and kisses from her daughter. Eventually, she got the chance to give her deployed daughter a warm hug after Missy May behaved herself a bit.

Have you ever seen a reunion video like this?

Pexels/Pixabay Source: Pexels/Pixabay

Gladly, we often see videos of heartwarming reunions on the internet. Thanks to those people who share their personal experiences online. These reunions will push a couple of tears (if not many) from our eyes.

Oftentimes, these reunions are set as a surprise by their family member who’s serving in the military. They will not tell their family that they are coming home and just appear out of nowhere.

Pexels/Pixabay Source: Pexels/Pixabay

Whether it’s the child or the parent that gets deployed, the outcome is still the same – beautiful reunions punch a hole straight through our hearts.

Make sure to watch the beautiful reunion of Missy May and Casandra in the video below.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Shareably, Robbi Cabrera, The Dodo
