Dubbed video of dog’s reaction to getting kitten guaranteed to make you laugh

Believe us when we say we’ve found a dog video that we’re absolutely convinced will make even cat-lovers laugh.

In fact, we’re still laughing just thinking about it.

Since it was posted in 2013 (and re-posted by other channels the following year), it has been viewed over 45 million times – and we think that’s not nearly enough. Especially since those who have watched it have copped to doing so dozens of times. More people need to see this!

“This is clearly one of the most clever and well done videos of its kind. I’m more of a cat person than dog person, but I’ve watched this video dozens of times and it’s still ROTFLMAO material!!! Nicely done!! :)” said one commenter who totally gets it.

The man behind the magic is Andrew Grantham, also known as “The King of Dub.” He dubs voices onto all kinds of videos now, but was formerly referred to as “the talking dog guy” for his perfectly dubbed dog videos.

The clip in question is one of his best.

The King of Dub/Facebook Source: The King of Dub/Facebook

In it, he has what appears to be a particularly vocal dog and dubs an entire two-way conversation over the footage to make it sound like the dog is finally getting the pet kitten he’s always wanted.

Maybe this doesn’t sound like comedy gold, but trust us, it is!

Screenshot via Talking Animals/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Talking Animals/YouTube

And this isn’t Grantham’s first viral video – in fact, his “Ultimate Dog Tease” masterpiece (there’s simply no other word for it) has garnered over 200 million views since it was uploaded in 2011.

In that video, he tells his dog about his very exciting trip to the refrigerator.

That video happened to be YouTube’s #1 video of the year in 2011, so you know we’re being honest when we say this guy is awesome.

But let’s get back to “Dog Wants a Kitty” – in this clip, the dubbed voices are the dog owner, who is recounting his trip to the pet store, and his pup Clyde – who really hopes he brought home a feline friend.

Between the silly voices and the perfect matching of vocals to mouth movements, we were cracking up after about 3 seconds.

In the beginning, Clyde stops dead in his tracks when his dad says “Hey! You remember how you wanted a kitten?

“Yeah,” Clyde says.

Screenshot via Talking Animals/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Talking Animals/YouTube

Here’s Clyde’s face upon hearing his owner went to the pet store.

Screenshot via Talking Animals/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Talking Animals/YouTube

And again upon hearing that there’s more to the story.

Screenshot via Talking Animals/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Talking Animals/YouTube

Dad goes through all of the qualifications Clyde had for a kitten as the dog gets more excited.

“You wanted a girl?


“You wanted a Tabby?

Yep. That’s right! Oh, I can’t believe it!

But not so fast, Clyde! It turns out dad looked around a bit first.

Screenshot via Talking Animals/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Talking Animals/YouTube

At the hermit crabs, for example.

Say what?

Screenshot via Talking Animals/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Talking Animals/YouTube

He even looked at some snakes!


This does not amuse Clyde.

Screenshot via Talking Animals/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Talking Animals/YouTube

The pup has had enough.

Now he’s threatening to chew the whole darn arm right OOOOOFFF the couch if he doesn’t get his kitten.

Screenshot via Talking Animals/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Talking Animals/YouTube

Then, Clyde hears a high-pitched meow.

Of course, remember this is all dubbed, so we’re not about to see him get a kitten, but the look on his face is truly priceless, especially when Grantham makes it sound like he knows his kitten is here.

You’ll have to scroll down below for that, because you truly have to see it all in action to appreciate it.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Talking Animals via YouTube (2013), The King of Dub via Facebook, Talking Animals via YouTube (2011)
