Sailor notices frantic dolphins and they lead him to frightened woman drowning in ocean

Dolphins are awesome. They seem to really like us too.

There are more than a few stories out there of dolphins helping distressed humans in the ocean. Perhaps they think we’re cool.

This story involves a pod of dolphins leading a sailor to a drowning woman, allowing him to save her just in time.

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Khosrow Khosravani goes sailing

A college professor named Khosrow Khosravani had recently moved to Marina del Rey.

Wanting to spend as much time as he could in the ocean, he bought a sailboat and received a California boater’s license.

One thing you learn when getting your boating license is how to pull someone out of the water.

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It was a beautiful day to be sailing in the ocean

Khosravani was out on his boat with a few others one day when they spotted a pod of dolphins.

They decided to film the encounter but had no idea what a crazy story they were in for.

The sailors followed the pod until Khosravani spotted something in the water.

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“Once they passed was when I saw a hand in the water,” he said in an interview with Los Angeles Times.

“It was about one city block away. At that point, I wasn’t sure I saw what I saw. Then I was sure it was a human as we got closer.”

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A woman was waving for help

When the boat got closer, the sailors realized it was a woman who was waving for help.

“She had just enough energy to just [wave her arm] one more time,” Khosravani told Inside Edition.

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Did the dolphins direct Khosravani to the drowning woman?

Had the sailors not followed the pod of dolphins, Khosravani says they would not have discovered the drowning woman.

“They really directed me to her. I would have never, ever seen her if it wasn’t for the dolphins,” Khosravani said.

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When they got up close enough to the woman, they threw her a flotation device and were able to pull her out of the water.

They quickly wrapped her in blankets and towels to warm her up.

The Coast Guard is called in to help

Khosravani then notified the Coast Guard of the situation and L.A. County Fire Department ocean lifeguard Capt. Matt Rhodes took the call.

To him, the rescue seemed like a “weird one,” as it made you wonder why the woman was so far from the shore.

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They would later learn that the woman was a 26-year-old who got caught in rip currents while going skinny dipping in the middle of the night.

She had been floating in the ocean for 12 hours by the time she was rescued.

“If you told me that someone was floating in the open water for 10 to 12 hours without thermal clothing, I would look at you sideways.”

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Reflecting on an amazing rescue

Khosravani would later tell the media that while he is a scientist, he thanks God for rescuing the woman that night.

Everything had to play out just as it did or the woman likely would have lost her life.

Certainly, the pod of dolphins deserves a hardy thank you for their actions as well.

Learn more about this incredible story in the video below!

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Source: YouTube – Inside Edition, Inside Edition, LA Times
