“Dreamsicle” kitten chooses her new home – and the family’s completely charmed

Cats can seem cold sometimes, but that’s only if you haven’t gotten to know them. Any cat lover can tell you that when they settle in, they have no problem making themselves right at home and taking up all the space!

A family in Denver, Colorado, just experienced this after unintentionally adopting their cat, Popsicle.

Kēnya Piro-Stoute is a holistic dog groomer, meaning she takes special care of the dog’s physical and mental well-being during the grooming process.

She uses plant-based products and has little waste output in her operation.


Many groomers have a process that they follow every time, but holistic groomers tailor the experience to suit the dog and keep them calm and content.

One day, one of Kēnya’s regular clients dropped in with a question. He had found a lost kitten in his yard and wanted to know where he could take it.

He couldn’t keep the tabby kitten himself because of his allergies, but he wanted to make sure the little guy was safe! He knew Kēnya had a lot of connections in the animal world and hoped she would be able to help the kitten find a good home.

So she made some calls, scrolled through social media, and took the kitten with her on a drive to the neighbourhood where he had been found.

Unable to find out where he had come from, Kēnya brought him home, planning to take him to the rescue centre the following morning.


In an interview with Love Meow, she said:

“I took him home that night and told my family he was only staying for the night.”

But the kitten had other plans!

He got comfortable with everyone in the house quickly. Cuddling and making fast friends with both the humans and other pets in the house. The family already had another tabby named Baby Cat (though, he was no longer a baby!), and a dog named Edward.

Baby Cat isn’t usually a fan of other cats, but the new kitten was too charming and managed to win him over. and Edward the dog became enamoured with the little fur baby too.


“They acted like they were long lost brothers and immediately started playing and snuggling and just wanted to be around each other all the time.”

After seeing how well everyone got along, and how happy the kitten was in Kēnya’s home, she couldn’t bring herself to take him to the shelter!


She kept checking for any local “lost cat” posters around town and online, but nothing ever turned up.

“A couple weeks have gone by now, and I still check for posts, but there has been nothing.”

They named their newly adopted kitten Popsicle, and he’s now a permanent fixture! He even goes for walks on a leash along with Edward.


It’s almost as if he knew he’d found his forever home before the rest of the family did! But what a beautiful twist of fate that he was brought to Kenya by her client.


Popsicle now has his own Instagram page, where you can keep up with his adventures alongside his loving family.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Pet Groomer Magazine, Love Meow, CatsonCatnip
