20 photos of bad drivers that will make you wonder how some people ever got a license
Driving is a great liberty we have, but with that also comes great responsibility.
You’ve probably witnessed your fair share of drivers who seemingly have no business being behind the wheel. Sometimes their mistakes are comical, and other times they can be downright frightening. Regardless, there’s no shortage of drivers that get all the stares from others on the road.
Follow along for a roundup of twenty of the best, or perhaps worst, examples.
1 – Blackbelt In Driving
Where were you the day they covered seatbelts in driver’s education? While this driver may have figured out how to outsmart his car, this won’t help you in the moment it really matters.
2 – I Ate Too Much Spaghetti, And Now I Regretti
A word to the wise – save your spaghetti dinner for the dining room table. Sometimes that last bite just isn’t worth it no matter how much you crave it.
3 – Taking The Fast Lane
Or in this case, the bicycle lane. Which didn’t really pan out well for this innovative driver.
4 – Junk In The Trunk
For some, the sky is the limit for what they attempt to cram in the back of their vehicle. But this disaster waiting to happen is next level.
5 – Breaktime
Traffic hasn’t stopped this guy from taking a much needed moment to chill. In fact, it looks like he can’t be bothered. Not even with pushing the pedals.
6 – Blindspot
Who can really be bothered with getting the snow and ice off of their car in the morning? Not this guy!
7 – Spin Cycle
This person is the proud recipient of a brand new washing machine, but how do you solve the dilemma of getting it home? You put the whole thing on the roof of course!
8 – Parking Police
As if these yellow lines weren’t bright enough, this lady decided that any parking job is a good parking job.
9 – Beware of Wet Paint
Or in this case, wet cement. Sometimes that shortcut just doesn’t pay off.
10 – Entitled
Forget about the parking lot, this person’s reserved space is under this tree.
11 – Stay In Your Lane
Or in this person’s case, perhaps they could even try entertaining the right side of the road.
12 – Till The Wheels Come Off
We have to wonder if this person knows they’re missing a wheel? Would the flying sparks signal anything? It seems they’re causing a spectacle on the freeway.
13 – Nailed It
This car swooped in for the perfect landing. A real 10/10.
14 – Just Another Manic Monday
Forget about the gas pump!
15 – Safety Is Number One
But the real question remains: could this vehicle pass an inspection?
16 – The Road Less Traveled
There’s a reason the bike path is made for bikes. But what’s the harm in tempting fate every now and again?
17 – Sign, Sign, Everywhere A Sign
In this case “SLOW DOWN” in big flashing letters just wasn’t enough.
18 – What’s The Difference?
A pickup truck is to a convertible, right? Is there a plan B?
19 – This Pool Is Reserved
How they ended up here we may never know, but it’s safe to say that the backyard party has been called off.
20 – Heads Up
Some drivers let us know there’s a baby on board, others reveal to us that they’re blind. Thank you for the warning.
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Sources: Shareably, Reddit/Idiotsincars