Fisherman tosses out life vest to save drowning dog only to find it’s “not a dog at all”

When a vacation makes an unexpected turn.

Sports fisherman Renato Borella was on vacation and rowing on a fishing boat together with his tour guide named Neco.

The two were hoping to get some good catch on the river of Mato Grosso, Brazil. But as they were sailing towards a nice fishing spot, they spotted something on the river.

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In a video, what seems to be a living creature is desperately swimming, trying very hard not to drown. Borella and Neco immediately thought it’s a dog so they quickly jump into action. The two men know they have to act fast before it’s too late.

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Borella’s guide, Neco, throws a life jacket in the dog’s direction so it can grab on it. The dog is having a hard time getting close to the life jacket because the river’s current is quite strong.

A heart-stopping rescue.

They move ahead of the dog’s location in order for them to go against the current. So when they finally have the perfect timing, Neco once again tries to throw the life jacket, the second try didn’t quite go well but the third one is a success!

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But as the camera pans over and closer to the dog, the image becomes clearer.

The drowning creature isn’t actually a dog but a monkey!

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The monkey is native to the place and their kind is known to be aggressive towards people. However, that fact isn’t enough to stop Renato and Neco from letting the exhausted monkey up their fishing boat.

As soon as the monkey gets on board, it’s pretty obvious how tired it is. At first, the two men are scared but the fear eventually goes away because the monkey is showing no signs of aggression.

“I confess that both the guide and I were a little afraid, because we did not know what would be the reaction of the animal. Thank God he was very calm in the stern of the boat…”

It looks like the monkey is pointing ahead towards the river’s shore and the men unhesitantly follow through to the new “captain” of the fishing boat.

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Before they even reach the endpoint of the water, the monkey jumps onto a tree branch and climbs over the bushy part of the land.

“…as soon as the boat approached the shore the monkey ran to the bow and soon after jumped to a tree and left. “

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What is the monkey doing in the river?

Although it’s not shown in the video, the locals have a hunch about the real reason behind it.

“The natives of the region believe that he was crossing the river for having been expelled from his group.”

However, some people think the monkey wasn’t really asking for help.

“Thanks. But it did not really look like he really wanted saving. He was pretty close to where he wanted to be.”

Another one wrote:

“That monkey was not in trouble and did not need saved macaque are expert swimmers”

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Regardless of the monkey needing help or not, Renato and Neco just did what they thought was the best thing to do at that moment. We should never judge kindness – never.

Watch the video below to see what actually happened.

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Source: Rumble, YouTube/ViralHog
