Here’s what it means if you ever find a dryer sheet in your mailbox

An amazing thing about the internet is how information is just a few taps away.

From technical questions to silly ones, there’s always an answer that’s only a few seconds away. That’s why home improvement, studying, and more are so much easier because of all the hacks you can learn online.

Pexels - cottonbro Source: Pexels - cottonbro

Take this clever one from US postman Chris Strickley.

He’s definitely seen his fair share of mailboxes over the last six years that’s why he’s able to confidently present a solution to keeping critters away.

Pexels - Abstrakt Xxcellence Studios Source: Pexels - Abstrakt Xxcellence Studios

It’s during warmer weather when insects like wasps and yellow jackets build their nests inside mailboxes, that’s why Chris and other mail carriers swear by this trick which he shared on Reddit. Chris writes,

“If you randomly see a dryer sheet in the back of your mailbox, your mail carrier put it there for a reason. I can’t tell you how many times, especially during this part of the year, where I’ve opened up a box to see a little nest with 3-5 Yellowjackets just chillin’. If I’m really unlucky, they will have made their nest at the very back of the box so I wind up sticking my hand in not knowing they are there.”

Pexels - ArtHouse Studio Source: Pexels - ArtHouse Studio

No one wants stinging insects inside their mailbox, especially the mail carriers whose hands always fall victim to these creatures.

In order for this hack to work, your mail carrier needs your help.

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Chris, who has been stung ten times in the past year, shares,

“I began to see dryer sheets in people’s mailboxes at the start of spring. At first, I was confused but just left them there. Later on, I noticed my supervisor had a box of them on their desk and would see other carriers taking handfuls out. That’s when I finally asked why they were supplying them to us and found out they are a good deterrent for wasps and yellowjackets. Ever since then, they’re a normal part of my spring and summer.”

Apparently, bees and wasps are repelled by scented dryer sheets!

Just one sheet will do the job of clearing a nest out of a mailbox and preventing the little critters from building again. It doesn’t take much effort from your end, either. Simply leave the dryer sheet inside. - Brittany Lynne Source: - Brittany Lynne

Chris concludes with a helpful reminder,

“Please, if you one day randomly see a dryer sheet at the back of your mailbox, just know that your carrier more than likely put it there to deter these Satanic creatures from building their home in it.”

Pexels - Dimitry Anikin Source: Pexels - Dimitry Anikin

Chris also concludes with a few reminders:

  1. It really doesn’t matter so much what brand you buy, if it’s eco-friendly, or what scent it is. All that matters is that it is scented. The scent seems to be what deters them. So any scented dryer sheet should suffice!

  2. This should only be used as a preventative measure. I’ve never tried when there’s a huge nest so I have no idea if it would work. I just immediately leave a note on the customer’s door letting them know they need to take care of the nest before I can resume delivering their mail. It would be best to get rid of the large nest and then put a dryer sheet in to keep them from coming back.

  3. As far as when to replace them, just check it periodically to see if the scent is still strong or if it has faded. The scent, once again, is what drives them away. So if the scent isn’t as strong or it has completely faded, it’s time to replace it.

Love to Know Source: Love to Know

So if one day you see a dryer sheet inside your mailbox, don’t toss it out. This is your mail carrier’s way of helping you keep bees, wasps, and other insects away.

Pexels - Andrea Piacquadio Source: Pexels - Andrea Piacquadio

Try this hack today!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Reddit – istrx13, Facebook – Staci Hoppes
