Man quickly picks up 3M views showing easiest way to clean inside windshield

Do you own a car?

Buying a car requires more than just having the money to afford one.

Thankfully, knowledgeable car dealers are there to help us choose not the best car but the right car for us.

YouTube Screenshot - Chris Notap Source: YouTube Screenshot - Chris Notap

On the other hand, only a few to none will tell you things about post-sales.

We are talking about car maintenance like carwashes, and car insurance.

Ultimately, though, no one talks about cleaning the inside of the windshield.

YouTube Screenshot - Chris Notap Source: YouTube Screenshot - Chris Notap

Bet no one from your car dealer told you about any of these things, did they?

But if your car dealer mentioned these things, then consider yourself lucky, or better yet, call yourself blessed.

Thankfully, there are concerned car owners who would unhesitatingly share their knowledge about car maintenance.

Meet Chris Notap.

He’s a crafty man with an affable personality who has a self-named YouTube channel.

And Chris is here to teach us how to effectively and easily clean the inside side of a car’s windshield.

YouTube Screenshot - Chris Notap Source: YouTube Screenshot - Chris Notap

Since Notap claimed this is an easy task, it’s also a must that the cleaning materials to do this job are also easy to find.

No technical skills, no expensive cleaning materials – just a tub of soap and some elbow grease then you’re set.

He even shared a secret weapon.

YouTube Screenshot - Chris Notap Source: YouTube Screenshot - Chris Notap

To be successful in anything, you must have a secret weapon.

His weapon is a squeegee.

Make sure it’s made of plastic, rubber, or anything but metal because it could leave your windshield with some good scratches.

Just a small-sized squeegee that’s perfect for cleaning small areas will do the job.

YouTube Screenshot - Chris Notap Source: YouTube Screenshot - Chris Notap

You also need a cleaning solution, a tub of water, and 2 pieces of clean rags, one for cleaning the squeegee and one for cleaning the windshield.

If you are all set then let’s get this started.

YouTube Screenshot - Chris Notap Source: YouTube Screenshot - Chris Notap

Step 1: Put an ample amount of soap into the water for your cleaning solution.

Put it into a good lather and dunk one of your clean rags, then use that to wipe the inside part of your car’s windshield.

Note: Don’t forget to put a bath towel or any cloth on your dashboard before doing step number 1.

YouTube Screenshot - Chris Notap Source: YouTube Screenshot - Chris Notap

Step 2: Next, use the squeegee and scrape off the soapy solution on your windshield from side to side.

Dry your squeegee using a clean rag after each stroke. Just repeat this process until all the soap in the windshield is gone.

Step 3: Make sure all parts are free from soap. If there are parts left soapy, just scrape them again using the squeegee or using another clean rag.

YouTube Screenshot - Chris Notap Source: YouTube Screenshot - Chris Notap

You may also use the same process in cleaning the outer part of your car’s windshield.

Notap said the process could be done as fast as 3 minutes, so go ahead and break a couple of sweat.

Watch how it’s done step-by-step in Chris’s video below!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: YouTube – Chris Notap, Instagram – dawndishwash
