Turn milk into a yummy, sweet and chewy snack in 3 minutes

Milk rice cakes are a delicious delicacy that can be bought in any shop near you that carries Asian goodies. But if you’re up for it, you can make milk cakes in the comfort of your own home.

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Here’s a quick recipe that’s so easy to follow!

You will need:

  • 20 grams of glutinous rice
  • 40 grams of potato starch
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar
  • salt
  • 200 ml of milk

Those are easily found in any supermarket.

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Take a medium-sized pan and pour in the rice flour, starch, sugar, salt, and milk. Everything in there. And in case you were wondering, you won’t need any oil for this one.

Now that all the ingredients are ready, switch to a low flame and stir gently but vigorously using a wooden spoon.

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It may take a while but you will soon get that lumpy feeling when stirring. The ingredients are now coming together nicely so keep at it. Don’t worry about it sticking to the pan.

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Notice how it’s getting thicker and thicker?

The mixture eventually becomes one sticky glop. Stir and move it around the pan to get everything on the sides. They’ll come off and join the cake mixture. Easy!

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Now it looks like clay!

Transfer the messy-looking cake to a plate so you can shape it evenly. You’ll have to be quick about it before the mixture hardens.

Follow the video and see how 집밥요리 Home Cooking goes about patting and shaping the cake mixture.

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It’s going to look smoother and slimmer.

Putting the cake mix in the refrigerator is optional. If you want it to be cooler and chewy to the bite then do so. Some like it that way, some don’t, and that’s perfectly fine.

It looks like a loaf of bread now. Cut it up into bite-size pieces as shown, or if you’re the creative type, create your own shapes and sizes. Although the idea of milk cakes is that they can be easily popped into the mouth.

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Lay them out evenly on a plate and sprinkle with cocoa powder.

These milk rice cakes are so flexible you can top them with anything. Espresso powder could work. Caramel drizzle, candy sprinkles, Nutella maybe… The possibilities are endless!

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It’s so simple and easy to make, not to mention the ingredients won’t hurt your budget. The viewers are loving!

Maria Rafei says,

“I’ve tried making it and it was soo easy and fun and I loved the taste! I am definitely making it again! <33”

Emy had fun with the recipe, sharing that,

“just did it with my little brother and we both love it 💖💖 he has tons of allergies and therefore has to be picky when it comes to food but he can eat this one and loves it a lot 💖”

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Anyone can make these milk cakes at home. Call your friends over or make a batch for the family. It’s a great way to spend time together. Pop one in your mouth and enjoy!

Hit play below so you can follow the recipe!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: 집밥요리 Home Cooking
