Elderly woman approaches mom who breastfeeds, then cuts her breakfast for her

It’s definitely not an exaggeration when people say that parenting is the most difficult job in the world. Parents sacrifice a ton of sleep, have to be patient more often than not, and need to take care of their kids at any time. It’s a life full of ups and downs, but eventually, there’s nothing more beautiful than raising a child.

Briar McQueen, Facebook Source: Briar McQueen, Facebook

However, multitasking is something you’ll definitely have to learn as a parent, especially if you’re alone and there’s no one around to help.

This mom from New Zealand can definitely relate.

Briar Lusia McQueen lives at Mount Maunganui and recently gave birth to an absolutely adorable son named Jaxon. The toddler was just eight weeks old when she decided to head out for some delicious breakfast. She took Jaxon along for the ride, and it was one of Jaxon’s first adventures outside of the home. Briar Lusa ordered a delicious cup of hot chocolate and an extensive, nutritious breakfast – she couldn’t wait to dig in.

Ivan Radic, Flickr Source: Ivan Radic, Flickr

Right at the moment when mom wanted to eat her breakfast, Jaxon started crying.

The baby was hungry but had no idea that mom was busy for a while eating her own food! After all, an eight-week-old child has no idea what’s going on, and he doesn’t care if mom is hungry herself. If Jaxon wants to eat, he’ll let it be known by crying.

Mom was a little bit worried, of course, because there’s still somewhat of a taboo and controversy about breastfeeding children in public places.

Briar McQueen, Facebook Source: Briar McQueen, Facebook

Nonetheless, this mom knew what was most important and that was the wellbeing of her own child, without a doubt. She put her food aside and got into a nursing position to feed Jaxon.

A couple of moments after she started breastfeeding, an elderly woman arrived at her table and mom was worried she was going to cause a scene.

After all, many people find that nursing in public is frowned upon.

However, this elderly woman did no such thing and made a kind gesture that completely took Briar Lisa by surprise.

Briar McQueen, Facebook Source: Briar McQueen, Facebook

“After a few minutes this older lady walked up to me, I was scared, thinking she was gonna tell me to put my boob away, instead she starts cutting up my breakfast for me and said, ‘What a good mama you are. We can’t have your food getting cold can we?’”

“I honestly could have cried. Loveliest lady EVER!” she posted on Facebook.

Mom posted a photo of the woman cutting her breakfast on Facebook, and it quickly went viral. Dozens of parents and even grandparents commented on the kind gesture and added how important it is to help out new parents as much as they can.

“I’m old fashioned in that sense that if I saw another mumma out grabbing a feed and was summoned to feed bub, I would offer a hand with her food, too,” Robyn Murdoch commented.

There were also people who defended breastfeeding in public and think it’s the most normal thing in the world.

Briar McQueen, Facebook Source: Briar McQueen, Facebook

“Our society has gotten so lost in what is right and what is wrong. Breastfeeding is right! Shunning someone for feeding their child in the most natural way is wrong. I am so glad this sweet lady helped you!”

Jaxon’s granddad Peter Garret Martin also chimed in:

“…it is the most natural thing to do when a bub is hungry. Enjoy the time together and lots of happiness.”

Even though this was just a simple act of kindness, it can go a very long way and truly make someone’s day.

Parents can use any help they can get, and this sweet gesture by the elderly woman won’t be forgotten!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.


Source: Daily Mail, Facebook/Briar McQueen
