Electrician fixed couple's heat for free – so they trick him to come back for fake home inspection

Compassion is a precious trait to carry and sometimes we may forget it’s worth. The power of empathy can pick people up during difficult times. During desperate situations, it can also be hard for people to ask for help. A helping hand or even just an open ear can go a long way in someone’s life.

This heartfelt story is one to remind you just how impactful one person can be.

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The Lemond couple in Oklahoma live in a sweet home built in 1945. The home has its vintage charm, but also some faulty electrical grids. During the winter months, it can be a really scary time to have no power.This winter the Lemond’s were struggling with their heater turning off, and lights constantly flickering. Unfortunately, they could not afford to hire anyone to come out and check what the problem was.

So they began to pray for a miracle to touch their lives.

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The Lemond’s reached out to their marriage church group for extra prayers as well.

Waiting in the middle of winter is a risky thing to do, but they knew with faith in their hearts something positive will come.The power of their prayers brought a man named Joshua Mathews. He was a fellow churchgoer whom the Lemond’s barely knew.

But Joshua was there to provide any help he could give.

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Joshua works for Dane Electric as an electrician and offered to go check out the Lemonds electrical. When their home was actually deemed unsafe to have any power on. Joshua detected the problem was something he could fix but it would take a couple of days. So he had the church collect money for the Lemonds to have a hotel to live in during that time. The kindness didn’t stop there, Joshua worked diligently to work on the Lemonds home.

He worked all day and all night, in the freezing rain, and even to the hour of midnight.


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When Joshua finally finished the work on their home, he didn’t charge the Lemonds a dime.

The Lemonds were overfilled with gratitude, as they wished they could do anything for him. Their faith shined on them yet again, when Oklahoma News Channel 4 Pay It 4ward got word of the Lemonds story.

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So they all came up with the idea to call Joshua and his co-workers out to the Lemonds house for some assistance. That’s when the Pay It 4ward team of the Oklahoma News Channel 4 came out to give Joshua the special surprise!

The Lemonds handed the $400 over to Joshua and he barely could take the money.

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The Lemonds eyes were filled with tears of gratitude and insisted Joshua deserved every penny. The entire story is a tear-jerker knowing such kind people are out there. Joshua definitely thought he was just doing an act of kindness. Little did he know he was also going to receive a well-deserved blessing. It’s heartwarming to know that people like Joshua exist and his light continues to shine.

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Source: YouTube, KFOR Oklahoma News Channel 4
