Elephant hilariously crashes a pool party

Being the largest of all land mammals on Earth, elephants can require around 68 to 98 liters (18 to 26 gallons) of water daily.

So, what happens when there’s not enough water?

YouTube Screenshot - Kerry Dunne Source: YouTube Screenshot - Kerry Dunne

Believe it or not, the elephant from Elephant Sands wildlife sanctuary in Botswana was thirsty enough to crash a pool party. Don’t worry, though. The water wasn’t chlorinated, and the elephant wasn’t in danger. Watching him drink from the pool is hilarious.

According to the official website, Elephant Sands is a place in Africa where elephants rule.

Located in the northeastern part of Botswana, Elephant Sands is a bush lodge and campsite where elephants can enjoy the natural water flow in front of the lodge. It was built in 2002. Almost two decades later, the place is well-known worldwide.

There is plenty of other wildlife around, and the location is an ideal starting point for a tour or safari.

Since the area has no fences, animals are free to roam around.


Some animals aren’t shy to walk into a party and make themselves feel at home.

Take a look at the elephant who crashed a pool party. At least, he was a well-mannered guest. The massive elephant walked in nicely, waited a bit to see if anyone’s bothered by his presence, then approached the pool and drank enough water.

YouTube Screenshot - Kerry Dunne Source: YouTube Screenshot - Kerry Dunne

Incredibly, the elephant didn’t make a mess. He left the place in peace.

Interestingly, the party started when the elephant came in.

Several friends got together on a nice day, brought some beer, and decided to enjoy the pool. You can see that everyone’s relaxed, and nothing much is going on initially. That was until the elephant appeared. Suddenly, everyone left what they were doing and took out their phones.

YouTube Screenshot - Kerry Dunne Source: YouTube Screenshot - Kerry Dunne

Seeing the elephant enjoying the party is something that needs to be captured on camera.

More than 25 million YouTube users have already seen the video.

We have to share one hilarious comment with you: “I lowkey wanted the elephant to spray them with water before leaving,” said a lady from the comments section. Wouldn’t that be funny?

YouTube Screenshot - Kerry Dunne Source: YouTube Screenshot - Kerry Dunne

Did you know that Asian elephants are smaller than African ones? Moreover, the African elephant has got the largest brain in the animal kingdom.

Yes, you read that correctly. Elephants’ brains can weigh up to 5 kg (11 lbs). The fact becomes particularly incredible when you consider that an elephant can weigh up to 6000 kg (more than 13 thousand lbs). The average lifespan of an elephant is 50-70 years. These sensitive animals also have very sensitive skin, and they use mud as sunscreen.

Unsplash - Iswanto Arif Source: Unsplash - Iswanto Arif

Amazingly, elephant feet are covered in some form of padding that prevents them from slipping and helps support their weight. Another interesting fact that often comes as a pub question is about the elephant’s trunk. As impressive as it may sound, elephants have got more than 40,000 muscles in their trunks.

YouTube Screenshot - Kerry Dunne Source: YouTube Screenshot - Kerry Dunne

How does an elephant drink water?

Well, we’ve just told you that a trunk is filled with muscles. Therefore, elephants use it to grab things, including branches or a blade of grass. Most importantly, grey giants use their trunks as huge straws. Impressively, elephants can suck up to 14 liters of water into their trunks at once.

Unsplash - Andrew Rice Source: Unsplash - Andrew Rice

After they’ve sucked enough water in, elephants then blow the water into their mouths to drink.

Watch the video below!

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Source: YouTube/Kerry Dunne; ElephantSands; NationalGeographic; OysterWorldwide
