Elephant digs for 11 straight hours, is desperate to rescue her trapped baby

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Most parents would do anything for their children. And this parental devotion is not just in humans. Elephants also go to extreme lengths for their offspring, as this story shows.

One day in India, a mother elephant and a baby elephant went to a well to drink. But something terrible happened.

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The baby tripped and fell into the well. He tried to climb out of the well, but he was stuck fast. The baby started crying out. At first, the mother elephant didn’t know what to do. But her baby kept on crying.

Eventually, she realized that there was only one solution. She would have to get the baby out herself.

At first, she grabbed the baby with her trunk, desperately trying to pull him out. But he wouldn’t budge.

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Pretty soon, the pulling tired out the mother. Now the mother was exhausted, and her son was just as stuck as before.

Out of options, the mother could only see one more solution. She would have to dig around the well and give her baby more space.

So she started digging and digging. The ground around the well was hard, but she had to get the child out.

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Pretty soon, some people saw what was happening and tried to approach the mother and her child. But every time that the people got close, the mother became defensive. She thought that the people would attempt to harm her and her baby.

So the people kept on watching, waiting to help out when the mother became too exhausted.

The baby had first become stuck at around 8pm. The mother kept on digging through the night. When the sun came up, she was still digging.

In the morning, a huge crowd had formed around the elephant. The people were desperate for the animal to free her baby.

Then the mother elephant became too tired. Luckily, the people that had gathered had notified the authorities, and they’d sent a truckload of bananas to the scene.

They gave the mother the bananas. She started eating them.

While the mother was distracted, the authorities approached the trapped baby elephant.

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With their equipment, they were able to rapidly finish the job that the mother elephant had started.

Before the mother had finished eating, she saw that her baby was free. The baby ran up to the mother, and the two animals shared the rest of the bananas.

In the end, the baby elephant had been trapped for over 11 hours. The mother had worn herself out multiple times to get her child free.

When the mother and the baby got their strength back, they went back into the jungle, happy and content. Luckily, as elephants are incredibly intelligent animals, the mother and baby learned to not go back to that particular well again.

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The baby elephant is lucky to have a mother that goes to such extreme lengths to save him. With her protection, the baby is sure to grow up to become an amazing elephant in his own right.

It’s great to see humans helping out the mother and baby. Anyone who has a pessimistic view of humanity needs to know this story. It’s true that people can sometimes be cruel, but most of us are like the people in this video, who helped the unfortunate animals out.

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Source: Air.TV
