Watch two enormous sea lions sun themselves on the boat they “stole”

We want to know how you explain THIS to the insurance company.

Screencap via @fishingjosh/Instagram Source: Screencap via @fishingjosh/Instagram

That’s exactly what some Washington state boat owners are going to have to do in the coming weeks now that two rude and reckless sea lions stole and SANK their boat!

Footage of their joyride came from former professional soccer player Joshua Phillips who now owns a fly fishing equipment business. He was out on the Eld Inlet near Olympia, Washingon one day in mid-December of 2019 when he saw the usual sight.

@fishingjosh/Instagram Source: @fishingjosh/Instagram

Phillips told the told The Olympian newspaper that the boat going by “looked a little off.”

That’s an understatement!

The video he took once he grabbed his phone and started filming how now been viewed by millions (and you can find it below) – over one million people viewed it in its first week on the Spawn Fly Fish Instagram page alone!

Phillips caught the boat drifting by with the two absolutely epic sea lions perched on deck, happy as can be.

“I’ve never seen anything like this,” he said.

According to The Seattle Times:

The Olympian reported that another video, posted on YouTube, showed a third sea lion trying to board and being turned away by the two who were already there. When two enormous sea lions are already dipping one end of the boat dangerously close to the water’s surface, three’s a crowd.”

Screenshot via Sam L/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Sam L/YouTube

While the sea lions probably didn’t care if they sank the boat, they clearly didn’t want to play nice with the third one.

The two animals were carefree and acted like they were just taking a ride on their own vessel. They even looked over at Phillips – who was keeping his boat at a distance so as not to spook them (or, perhaps, be boarded) – but barely gave him the time of day.

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Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

It’s still unclear who owns the boat, although they’ll be the ones paying to fish it out of the inlet after it sank due to the extra girth of its pirates.

The footage of the gruesome twosome is absolutely hilarious (as long as you don’t own the thing).

And while those of us who don’t have a local sea lion population might be shocked, sea lions apparently do this quite often. It’s a water hazard we never would have thought of!

Larry Phillips/Facebook Source: Larry Phillips/Facebook

According to those living in the area, the boat is a total loss.

Luckily, the video serves as evidence of what happened to it though we’re not convinced “sealion insurance” is a thing.

Larry Phillips/Facebook Source: Larry Phillips/Facebook

If you’re anything like us, you might not have realized that sea lions can get that big. But apparently, some of them can top 2000 pounds and measure up to 10 feet in length (though most weigh in at about 200lbs and measure roughly 6 feet long).

Before this, we would have thought a sea lion encounter would be fun and novel, but now we’re not so sure. We’ll just enjoy them from afar. Very far.

Wikimedia Commons Source: Wikimedia Commons

As you can see, the sea lions were having a grand old time on their outing.

Their size made the boat look like a boogie board!

Screencap via @fishingjosh/Instagram Source: Screencap via @fishingjosh/Instagram

As far as we know, their adventure was over after the boat sank – after all, that’s the official sea lion signal that the party’s over, right?

Be sure to scroll down to see these two in action.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Bored Panda, The Seattle Times, @fishingjosh via Instagram, Q13 FOX via YouTube, The Olympian
