Entitled neighbor demands that man keep his dogs inside so her kids can play on his lawn

We’ve had our fair share of annoying and problematic neighbors. It’s pretty ironic. As neighbors, you’ve got solid structures and borders standing between you, and yet they still find ways to constantly overstep boundaries.

Just goes to show that personal boundaries are easier to cross than physical ones.

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Over at Reddit, user FaultFabulous confided his tail with a stuck-up, entitled neighbor. Reddit’s never-ending collection of real people’s stories is hard not to get lost in. How many of us have stayed up late reading through r/relationshipadvice, r/nosleep or r/explainlikeimfive?

I know I have.

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And being human beings, we love drama. We love hearing about the things other people get caught up in, so FaultFabulous’ story over at r/AmItheAsshole was pretty fun to read.

Since his username is quite the mouthful, we’ll just refer to him as OP from here on.

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OP works in the medical field. As a doctor, his income is pretty generous and lets him pay for everything he needs. This includes new living spaces, and it just so happened that he was looking for one.

With 2 dogs in his care, OP needed a house with lots of room for both and his pooches. A house with a generously sized lawn should do the trick.

Pixabay - ErikaWittlieb Source: Pixabay - ErikaWittlieb

After some searching, he found a home he was happy with.

It was in a small town, and the town itself was in the city. With the quiet town and the house with a big lawn, it was just what he was looking for.

So OP made the move and bought the place. He brought his 2 dogs with him, and things seemed like they were going great. That was until he started meeting his neighbors.

One day, OP had a woman in the town come up to his door and strike up a conversation. She appeared to be the head of a home owner’s association in the area, and the conversation seemed pretty chill and innocuous so far.

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That was until she brought up the lawn and the dogs.

“So, I know you’re new, but we would like to ask you to keep your dogs inside your house when you’re out. The kids like to play on the houses lawns and they are afraid of your dogs. So, you need to put them inside when you’re not at home.” – OP wrote in the post.

OP was obviously, pretty confused and taken aback by this. I’m sure any of us would’ve been. It’s hard to believe that anybody could be that inconsiderate and entitled, but they do exist. Heck, where do you think the “Karen” memes came from?

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After processing what she just said, OP mustered up the urge to make his boundaries known and told it to her straight.

“No, the lawn is for the dogs. Your kids have no business going to my property, nor do you have any ground to make that demand.”

Pixabay - Mimzy Source: Pixabay - Mimzy

Well, she didn’t take it very well as OP shared. Not that any of us are surprised. Narcissism has a funny way of working like that. You receive something insensitive or disrespectful, you state your boundaries and say “no”, and you somehow end up as the jerk in all of it.

Trying to brush it off as just a sour interaction in his day, OP thought he could just go ahead and spend the rest of the week normally.

Boy, was he wrong.

Whatever this lady did, the neighbors who’d previously smile and wave at him would hardly acknowledge his presence anymore. Yikes. The audacity of making demands about someone else’s property, and then be offended when they put their foot down.

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That’s truly something else.

Hopefully OP sorts that out soon, and that lady gets some common decency taught to her somehow. In the meantime, let’s hope none of us ever have to deal with neighbors like this ourselves.

Read the original post below!

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Source: Reddit AITA
