Every night, this mischievous cat sneaks into his neighbor’s house for a sleepover party

Cats are known to be curious and adventurous creatures, often leaving the family home for several hours per day in order to explore the nearby yards, homes, and nature.

According to experts, cats that have not been spayed or neutered may wander off in search of a female cat in heat. Also, it is quite possible that a cat runs away following a mouse or other prey as its hunting instinct is developed, while it is not uncommon for a cat to leave home as a way to fend off another cat or animal that has entered its territory. Finally, one should also consider the possibility of a neighbor feeding the cat and, in time, this has attracted the feline to their home.

Unsplash/ Raphael Schaller Source: Unsplash/ Raphael Schaller

But, whatever the reason behind a cat wandering far from home might be, it is fine as long as it comes back at the end of the day- or after a couple of days. If the latter is the case, maybe the pet owners should start wondering if their cat has found a second home to spend its days, like Tigger the kitty.

Tigger lives in Victoria with his family, who love him and do everything to keep him happy. Tig, as they call him in short, is a beautiful ginger kitty and he can’t be ignored.

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About seven months ago, Tig was out and about exploring the area around his home, when he found himself outside the Sanders’ home. Without hesitation, he entered the house and made himself at home.

“He just walked in like he owned the place,” John Sanders told The Dodo.

Alex and John Sanders thought that the kitty was lost and they checked out the tag on his collar. That’s how they found out what his name was and who he belonged to. As soon as they realized Tig belonged to a family only one street over from them, they called them to let them know they had found their cat.

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Later on the same day, Tig was reunited with his family and Sanders thought that was it, but, apparently, the ginger cat had other plans.

“He came back the next day and every day since,” Sanders said.

Today, both Tigger’s “official” family and the Sanderses have come to terms with the fact that this kitty will just do what he wants and they will just go with that, since they all want him to be happy.

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The feline visits his new besties every day, at least once a day, and he sometimes even stays for sleepovers. And, mind you, he’s not the discreet kind. He even claims their bed when it comes to his siesta!

“Now that we’re home during COVID, he visits between 12-2, 4-6, and still comes back overnight. There are days where we don’t see him, but that’s rare. We usually see him twice a day without fail,” Sanders explains.

The couple has gotten used to these visits and they have even trained to listen to his meows at night, when he stands outside their door asking to be let inside.

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What a bold and sassy little kitty! Tigger now even has his own Instagram account where you can follow him in his daily adventures.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site, The Dodo, Pet Helpful
