Experienced mama dog teaches her excitable puppies to calm down

As parents, we want nothing but to teach our children the basics of life; like how to properly use a spoon and fork, how to count from 1 to 10, the alphabet, and many more.
But as our youngsters grow up, we’d eventually find ourselves wanting to teach them life lessons that they could use in the future.
And that doesn’t exempt our beloved dogs.
Take it from Rosalie

This beautiful Golden Retriever is an experienced mama dog and just like any other parent, she would do everything to be a good mother.
In this viral video uploaded back in 2019 when she had her last litter of adorable puppies, she showed her little ones a thing or two about patience.
When you come home from work, all you want to have is some much-needed rest and relaxation, right? Rosalie, a seasoned dog mom, shared the same sentiment. She had eight energetic puppies who were constantly vying for her attention, making it challenging for her to find a moment of respite.
A much-needed break

As Rosalie entered the room where her puppies were eagerly waiting, she observed their visible excitement and their ensuing squabbles over milk. “That’s enough!” Rosalie thought to herself, reaching her limit. “It’s time to teach these pups some manners!”
Determined to establish some order, she resolved to address their unruly behavior.

With a fierce snarl, Rosalie turned towards her puppies and let out a stern bark. It was time for them to learn the importance of patience and allow their mother to enter the room peacefully. This moment marked the beginning of their journey toward maturity.

Rosalie continued to snarl, closely watching as her puppies obediently settled down and sat on the floor. She swiftly growled at any pup who dared to defy her, effectively maintaining discipline. Remarkably, the room fell into complete silence.
Finally, her puppies started to settle down.

In a matter of moments, Rosalie successfully calmed her puppies and reinstated a sense of harmony in the room. Once satisfied with their improved behavior, she began tending to her little ones, displaying her gentle and nurturing side.
However, she wouldn’t tolerate any mischief, promptly barking at any puppy who dared to break the rules, ensuring they promptly fell back in line.

Mother and pup relationship
Mother dogs possess an innate understanding of how to teach their puppies proper behavior.

Puppies typically start experimenting with solid food when they reach around three weeks of age, although they continue to nurse, as their mothers continue to produce milk for up to ten weeks. Nursing serves both as a source of nutrition and a bonding activity for the puppies. Most puppies are fully weaned onto solid food between seven and ten weeks of age, although the transition may occur earlier.

As the puppies grow older, their mother dogs gradually encourage their independence, eventually nudging them towards self-sufficiency.
One day, Rosalie’s pups would mature and learn to navigate the world without her constant guidance. Teaching them how to remain calm was merely the initial step in their journey towards adulthood.
Watch how Rosalie taught her puppies how to behave and be patient by pressing that play button below.
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