Family brings home blind cat and he keeps sneak-attacking the dog

Cats may not actually have nine lives, but they are definitely persistent little things. Many cats will survive nasty falls or amputated legs and still live life comfortably provided the right home.

Here, we’ve got a cat who loves his home even if he can’t see it.

Meet Rudy, an orange tabby cat who had his eyes removed.

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But how did Rudy come to be without his eyes? Well, it started when he was born. Rudy and all the kittens in his litter were born with nasty nasal and eye infections. That’s a tough battle to throw at a kitten when they’ve just come into the world.

And the kittens didn’t win the battle unscathed. They’re alive, but they required surgery to remove their eyes to stop the infection from spreading and taking their lives.

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A local shelter rescued them, and that’s when Rudy’s eventual family would find him.

There was something about this funny, orange cat with no eyes that immediately captured their hearts. Rudy’s mom said they “just cried” when they saw him in the shelter.

They could have adopted any other cat – but something about this blind survivor spoke to their hearts.

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So they adopted the funny little thing and the rest was history.

Of course, Rudy has to get around a lot differently from a normal cat. He has to feel his way around or have someone guide him.

His family tried to accommodate his blindness during their early moments together.

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They would keep Rudy in small places where he could feel around for where to go.

But Rudy proved he didn’t need that. His rambunctious spirit as an orange cat just powered through, and he was soon exploring larger spaces and exploring like a normal cat.

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In fact, Rudy eventually learned the layout of the house through just feeling and brushing around.

He can now get to most rooms and floors a lot better than when he first arrived.

Rudy’s got a few friends at home too. He’s found a lot of fun in hanging out with the family dog, and he’s also found feline friendship in the family’s two other cats. Their names are Big Kitty, ironically named since she’s the smallest cat, and Little Kitty, the largest cat.

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His lack of eyesight caused his other senses to develop pretty strongly too. This kitty’s got something like Matt Murdock’s radar sense.

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Rudy’s senses of hearing and smell are ridiculously attuned. He can tell something is happening in the distance if it makes even the slightest sound.

“I want people to know that it’s okay to be a little nervous to adopt a special needs animal, but the love and the care that you will receive back is more than worth it.” said Rudy’s mom

She’s right. If Rudy is anything to go by, then adopting a special needs pet could be the greatest love you ever feel. Just give them a chance!

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Watch the video on Rudy’s adoption down below. I think more people need to see this too, so please share this article with more people!

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Source: GeoBeats Animals, Instagram – @rudythewondercat
