Father runs into burning home to save his twin daughters’ lives

When Ray Lucas left home to gas up his car, he never expected that he’d return to a frightening scene. His home was engulfed in flames while his young twin daughters were trapped inside.

By the time the flames were put out, Lucas had lost his home but he could have lost so much more.

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Lucas and his girlfriend make a quick trip to the gas station.

It was a Saturday morning when Lucas and his partner decided to take a quick trip to gas up their car. Lucas’ mother, niece, and twin daughters were still at home. Everything seemed normal when they left, but when they returned, fire and smoke had spread throughout the home.

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“The house was engulfed in smoke, I saw my mom and my niece were standing at the door and they were frantic,” Lucas said.

His 18-month old twin daughters were in the basement of the house asleep. Lucas needed to get back in the house and rescue them.

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Lucas knew he had to act quickly.

There was no time to hesitate so the scared father darted into action.

“I just knew I had to get my babies out,” Lucas said. “That’s what went through my mind.”

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The home was completely on fire and about to come crumbling down. The smoke was so thick that Lucas could not even see where he was going.

“You really couldn’t see your hand in front of your face – I really only found my babies due to my memory, just knowing where they were and knowing how to get to them – just from having that same route.”

Lucas braved the heat, flames, and smoke but was able to rescue his babies.

He placed both of them in his arms and exited the home as quickly as he could. They were immediately taken for medical treatment.

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The twin girls were treated for burns.

The twin girls, Malaysia and Milan, both were treated for burns. Malaysia’s burns were more serious and required a stay in the intensive care unit. Milan was treated for second-degree burns and smoke inhalation.

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Lucas suffered serious injuries.

Unfortunately, the heroic father suffered severe injuries during his brave rescue. The man has been able to put everything into the proper perspective, however.

“I was temporarily blind for three days and they said it was a miracle I could see,” he said. “I’ve got burns on my arms, but for the most part, everyone is still here.”

Lucas’ burns may leave scars, the trauma might leave an emotional wound, but he and his babies are both alive.

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What caused the fire?

It is not entirely clear what caused the fire. There had been major flooding in the area the day before which could have possibly caused an electrical short.

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GoFundMe set up for Lucas’ medical bills.

Ray is unable to work due to his injuries. He is also dealing with mounting medical bills from his and his daughters’ care. On top of that, the family lost their home and all their possessions. A GoFundMe has been set up to help Lucas and his family.

“The family is seeking to obtain a home and furnishing for the home and take care their baby’s needs short and long term needs, clothing for the parents and babies and paying for medical supplies and medical bills. The family states that they will use the donations and contributions wisely to fulfill their needs,” the page reads.

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Source: Fox 2 Detroit/Fox 2 Detroit – YouTube
