Dad can't afford backpack for son so he weaves one out of string with his bare hands

People with money often take for granted what they have, without stopping to think about all the people who can’t afford the material things they possess. The truth is, money doesn’t buy you happiness, and in many cases, it actually makes you more miserable. This incredible father who can’t afford a backpack for his son makes him a handwoven one that is far cooler than anyone you could buy.

That’s one awesome backpack!

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This father in Cambodia went viral for weaving his son a backpack because he couldn’t afford one

5-year-old NY Keng is the son of a farmer in Cambodia who wasn’t able to swing the money for a backpack when the young boy started school. He decided to weave him a backpack out of raffia string instead, and the internet went crazy for the incredible bag he made.

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Who needs to buy a backpack when you can hand make something this incredible? The best part was the outpouring of support the farmer received after his creation went viral.

The teacher of Keng’s class, Sophia Sous, loved the backpack so much, she snapped some pictures and uploaded them to social media

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Her pictures flew around the internet, touching people’s hearts all around the world. Soon, they learned that he had spent days weaving the backpack for his son because they simply couldn’t afford the 30,000($7 USD) riels to buy a new one.

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The innovative father upcycled the buckle from his son’s old backpack that had worn out, using them for the clips on the new one. The handmade backpack was very cool looking, and on top of that, it was clearly made with plenty of love from his father.

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People from all over the globe began sending in gifts to help the teachers class

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In Cambodia, many of the children can’t even afford shoes to wear let alone new backpacks and school supplies. This is why the supplies people started sending in are such a huge help, now the kids had more than enough to get through the school year.

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The South-Eastern country of Cambodia has come along way since the early 2000s when the unemployment rate was almost up to 50% but is still a work in progress. The school system has also made drastic strides in the past 30-years, switching to a k-12 year school system in the 1990s and building thousands of new schools since then.

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Not only is Keng’s new backpack spectacular looking, but it’s much better quality than normal backpacks that you buy in stores

Raffia string is aesthetically pleasing, but more importantly, it is extremely durable which means Keng’s backpack will likely last him years longer than the typical backpack that quickly falls apart.

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Many people use raffia for its durability, making various arts and crafts with the material. It’s also used in a variety of different ways in the fashion industry. Raffie is also called polypropylene, it gets its name because it looks very similar to the raffia plant.

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As parents, you do whatever you can to give your kids the best chance to succeed. Not everybody has money, but that doesn’t have to stop you from thinking outside the box like this amazing farmer in Cambodia. To see more on this, watch the video below!

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Source: Shareably, Inspire More, YouTube, Facebook
