Pit bull abandoned outside vet’s office with a note that said “Please don’t judge”

How could anyone possibly abandon an animal? In fact, in some countries it’s illegal.

But every now and then you hear a story about someone doing their best and running out of options, forcing them to make the heartbreaking decision.

The Simon Foundation/Facebook Source: The Simon Foundation/Facebook

That’s what happened to a Connecticut woman after she became homeless and she and her pit bull “Fatty McFat” were forced to live in her car.

Now, a pit bull is a good-sized animal and this owner – who was not only down on her luck but had just found out she was ill as well – just didn’t have the resources or the space to take care of Fatty. She felt that it was unfair to keep him cooped up in a vehicle when he deserved better.

Then she did what any responsible dog owner would do – she worked hard to rehome him.

According to a note she left, the owner claims to have contacted 50 different organizations, none of which would take in the dog. She thinks that’s partly because she was upfront about his demeanor. You see, Fatty had a bad habit of snapping at people, especially when they came near his owner.

The Simon Foundation/Facebook Source: The Simon Foundation/Facebook

She explained that he was simply scared and protective and that he just needed some care and understanding, but allegedly she had no luck.

In an act of desperation, she finally felt forced to leave Fatty under a shaded tree at the Litchfield Hills Veterinary Animal Hospital one day with all of his belongings and a note.

“My name is Fatty McFat. I am aggressive only because I’m scared. My owner loves me very much, I am their life! My human went homeless and found out they have a disease and cannot care for me. Please don’t judge them. They tried to rehome me on many documented attempts. No one cared! Attempted the vet, they did not care! Call police, dog warden, did not care. I know my human loves because they were and are the only one who gave every attempt to save me, love me, and pamper me. It is not fair for me to live in a car which I have been for 2 months and my human cries every day that they are sorry and love me. I am very, very overly protective of my human and will bite anyone who comes near them or I feel is a threat. My human went homeless due to my biting. All my human wants is for me to have a chance to be treated with care, dignity and love me no matter the outcome. My human is heartbroken and very sad it has come to this. No one would help.”

via Patch Source: via Patch

While officials say it’s never ok to abandon your dog, the owner claims that even the local dog warden would not offer assistance.

Sadly the owner didn’t know about other resources such as The Simon Foundation, which helps dogs in crisis situations.

In fact, Fatty was handed over to The Simon Foundation after the employees at the vet’s office found him. They agreed to house the dog and provide him medical care.

via Patch Source: via Patch

“It’s sad when someone has to make this choice,” the foundation wrote on Facebook. “At The Simon Foundation, he’ll receive any needed medical care including neutering and vaccines, and behavior interaction with our trainer to help him become more secure in his new surroundings.”

And the owner truly did love Fatty. In fact, she stayed in touch with The Simon Foundation, promising to take him back as soon as she found a job and had a proper home for him. In the meantime, they set the pup up with a foster.

The Simon Foundation/Facebook Source: The Simon Foundation/Facebook

Fatty’s saga began in the summer of 2017 and luckily only lasted a couple of months.

On October 25, 2017, The Simon Foundation posted a heartwarming update:

“For all of you that are following the story of Fatty, the dog that was left in a crate in Harwington, we have a wonderful update.
Fatty came to The Simon Foundation, Inc. and stayed with us for several weeks. He started out very fearful, and lets face it…grumpy! With patience and gentle encouragement, Fatty was soon showing off his skills, of sit, down, and paw. He became comfortable and calmed down. During this time, his Mom was able to find a new job, a new home and always stayed in touch with us to check on her buddy. With everything in place, Fatty was reunited with his Mom, which was a joyful experience, and he set off on a fresh start in a new home, and a new state. Thank you to all that offered words of encouragement, and donations to help with Fatty. We were able to give a check to help with his medical costs when he left. We wish them well.”

The Simon Foundation/Facebook Source: The Simon Foundation/Facebook

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Source: The Simon Foundation, The Simon Foundation via Facebook, Patch
