Orphaned lamb meets a litter of kittens, forming a friendship worthy of the silver screen

Fifi’s story started off as a sad one. She was left orphaned and alone when her mother died after becoming tangled in a fence.

The little lamb is a breed called Demara, which is “a self-shedding fleeced breed relatively new to Australia,” according to her rescuers. An animal sanctuary saved her from what might have been a short and/or miserable life.

Demaras are popular for meat production as well as the live animal export market.

Fifi didn’t have to live a life of sorrow thanks to Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary, a 153-acre facility near Lancefield, Victoria in Australia. They rescue animals such as pigs, lambs, cows, and any other “food” or “production” animals that are excluded from animal welfare legislation in Australia.

Edgar’s Mission ” provides shelter and direct care for homeless, abused, injured or abandoned animals,” finds homes for animals when appropriate, and is dedicated to teaching people about compassion towards non-human creatures.

They’ve taken in other unwanted animals as well – including cats and dogs. And in 2016, Fifi ended up at the sanctuary at the same time as two kittens named Snow Leopard and Snow Tiger. They were cranky as could be, but eventually came to trust people – and that’s thanks to Fifi.

The three got along famously, with Fifi getting the kittens to come out of their shells.

“Fifi is just so curious (like all little babies) and loves exploring things, especially kittens,” Pam Ahern, the founder of Edgar’s Mission, told The Dodo.

Ahern was particularly impressed at how the lamb changed Snow Tiger:

“It is amazing to witness the turn around of Snow Tiger from frightened, spitting and scratching kitty, to purring bundle of fur who just wants to cuddle up for love,” she said.

Apparently, Snow Tiger needed less intervention to warm up to people.

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Of course, at a place like Edgar’s Mission, there are a lot of adorable interspecies friendships, but this one went viral for obvious reasons.

Just look at these three!

“We love watching the different species interact here at the sanctuary, their non-judgmental ways is something we humans could well emulate,” Ahern told The Dodo. “They never care how one looks.”

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The Snow siblings were born strays, so all three animals lacked a mother to care for them. But the little orphans made it work.

It just goes to show how accepting and resilient animals can be.

But it’s also a testament to organizations like Edgar’s Mission, without which the unwanted animals they house would surely be in dire straits.

If you’d like to sponsor an animal on the farm or make a donation, you can visit their website here.

These types of organizations exist all around the world, so to lend a hand closer to home, keep your eye out for animal sanctuaries in need. In light of the COVID pandemic, they’re struggling financially like many other businesses.

Be sure to scroll down below to see yet another heartwarming story that shows off the kind of work being done at Edgar’s Mission.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: The Dodo, Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary, Edgar’s Mission via Facebook
