Charismatic firemen break out in song and dance, show off their skills in lip-sync challenge

Let’s face it. When you combine firemen, music, and dancing, you really can’t go wrong! A group of firemen in Mt. Pleasant proved that in this lip-sync challenge.

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This fireman shows that you can certainly do “the ax”, not just the sprinkler for a dance move!

Being a first responder is a stressful job, so anytime you can throw some fun into is considered a bonus. These firemen show that they certainly are not only brave but also fun! The great part is that you may not expect big, strong firemen to let loose and show off their silly side…or be able to lip sync pretty well.

But, no matter where you live, you may have noticed that these lip sync challenges are popping up around the country, involving people from almost every industry.

Policemen, nurses, firemen…they’re all trying to lighten up the mood a bit under what can be stressful situations 24/7. From the number of views of this video alone, you can tell that people really do like to watch them. They may even be lip-syncing along!

For this group in Mt. Pleasant, they mixed up several songs to show off their skills. These firemen show that they certainly aren’t shy.

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The video starts off with some “Me Too” from Meghan Trainor where one fireman puts a new spin on brushing your teeth. This will certainly make your mornings brighter!

That’s just for starters! They show off their softer side with some “One Call Away” from Charlie Puth after a woman in the video calls 911 for a report of a fire. Pretty creative.

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There’s even some high-drama, slow-motion running of the firemen hosing off the blaze.

From there, it’s time to ramp up the volume with Def Leppard and “Pour Some Sugar on Me ”. They’re probably plenty of women who would pour some sugar on him! Does anyone agree?

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These guys show that they’re multi-talented with lip sync skills for all types of music!

We like the way this video ends. It shows the department’s true involvement in the community. As they’re meeting people at a local coffee shop and shaking hands, you really get that hometown feeling. The hard work that these first responders do doesn’t go unnoticed. People from the town show their appreciation with some singing and recognition.

This lip sync challenge has a community feel, for sure.

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You can see by the people in this video that they have a special bond with their fire department, one that certainly goes beyond a lip-sync challenge video.

Since this video popped up about a year and a half ago, it’s gotten more than one million views, just proving that everyone loves a good lip-sync challenge.

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Source: eExtra News
