Arctic fishermen spot helpless animal trapped on a collapsing iceberg

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video!

The sailors were used to seeing strange sights at sea. But something about this little animal made them want to start rescuing.

Mallory Harrigan, Ellen Russell and Cliff Russell decided to take their boat out on the seas of Labrador to go fishing for crabs.

YouTube Screenshot - Zoo Land Source: YouTube Screenshot - Zoo Land

Ellen and Cliff focused on hauling in the fish, while Mallory kept a lookout for any dangers.

Then Mallory spotted an iceberg ahead. So the crew carefully navigated the ice.

YouTube Screenshot - Zoo Land Source: YouTube Screenshot - Zoo Land

The ice was melting fast.

Then they saw that there was an animal clinging to the melting ice.

YouTube Screenshot - Zoo Land Source: YouTube Screenshot - Zoo Land

They tried to identify the animal, at first assuming that it was a seal.

But then they noticed that the animal had fur.

YouTube Screenshot - Zoo Land Source: YouTube Screenshot - Zoo Land

It was a fox. Artic foxes should never be on icebergs. Her life was in danger. When she inevitably ended up in the water, she would have no chance of getting back to shore.

Mallory, Ellen and Cliff discussed what they could do.

They wanted to help the animal. But they were worried. After all, the fox was a wild animal. Would it attack them?

YouTube Screenshot - Zoo Land Source: YouTube Screenshot - Zoo Land

Soon, all three were in agreement. They had to try and get the fox onboard.

They would give the animal as much space as they could.

So they drove closer to the iceberg.

They had expected the fox to run away. But she was starving and dehydrated and could barely move.

So Ellen gently lifted the animal from the iceberg and set it on the floor of the boat.

YouTube Screenshot - Zoo Land Source: YouTube Screenshot - Zoo Land

They decided to feed the fox with some Vienna sausages that they had brought along. The fox ate and drank. Soon, she was moving about.

Then they made the fox a bed out of sawdust, and she fell asleep.

YouTube Screenshot - Zoo Land Source: YouTube Screenshot - Zoo Land

The crew decided to sail back to land. On their way, they spotted an abandoned dog house next to the sea. So they drove the boat next to it and let the fox out. Soon, the fox had entered the dog house and made herself comfortable.

The crew watched as the animal sniffed around and began searching the area.

Clearly, the fox would adapt to its new home well.

Soon, the fox ran off into the distance. Mallory, Ellen and Cliff then drove the boat home. Soon, they were back in their town. They all agreed that that had been the best day of fishing ever, thanks to their daring rescue!

Footage of the fox adapting to her new home then appeared on YouTube, where it soon went viral.

To date, it has gained over 940,000 views. It also has more than 400 likes and dozens of comments. People have been saying things like this:

YouTube Screenshot - VOCMNEWS Source: YouTube Screenshot - VOCMNEWS

Clearly, Mallory, Ellen, and Cliff have shown many people that it’s always right to do a good deed.

Of course, many of us won’t be in exactly the same situation, unless everyone reading this regularly goes fishing off the arctic coast. But we will all encounter people and animals who need a helping hand now and then. Be like the friends in this story when you see people and animals who need help!

Watch the video below!

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Source: VOCMNEWS, Zoo Land
