Fishermen spot a teetering iceberg then see a creature stranded on top

We expect to see animals and other wildlife on an adventure trip.

We’d expect to see forest animals in the woods if we go hiking or camping.

From the tiniest insects to birds and bigger mammals, both friendly and aggressive. It is how it is, right? Nature at its finest!

Unsplash - Jan Gemerle Source: Unsplash - Jan Gemerle

When you go on a fishing trip, you’d expect to see a variety of sea creatures.

Unsplash - SGR Source: Unsplash - SGR

Different kinds of shellfish, some birds like ducks and swans, and many fishes (of course)!

We also expect to see crabs, lobsters, squids, and octopuses. We’ve established the whole seeing-familiar-creatures vibe here, but what if you went on a trip and saw a creature you didn’t expect to see?

These Canadian fishermen were out crabbing off the coast of Labrador, Canada.

YouTube Screenshot - Zoo Land Source: YouTube Screenshot - Zoo Land

Alan Russell, Cliff Russell, and Mallory Harrigan love fishing and crabbing on their nearby coasts.

They sail their boat, ready for an adventure all the time. But this time, they were up for a different kind.

While sailing, they saw this mushroom-shaped iceberg, or what they called an ice pan.

Facebook - Alan Russell Source: Facebook - Alan Russell

There was a creature sitting atop the flat surface of ice, and it looked like it was in desperate need of help.

The bottom part was a thin column of ice that could melt away any day soon.

They thought it was a seal or even a penguin – something you would expect in an iceberg.

So, they were stunned to see a tiny artic fox on top of it!

Facebook - Alan Russell Source: Facebook - Alan Russell

It was wet and looked very hungry. The gulls were trying to pick at him, so the crew tried pulling him into their boat.

The fox was very skittish and seemed distrustful of humans. The team had no choice but to knock the ice pan down using their boat and fished the little fox from the water using a net.

They placed him inside a plastic tote pan and added some sawdust as bedding.

Facebook - Alan Russell Source: Facebook - Alan Russell

Mallory told Bored Panda they gave the fox some chips and crackers, but he wouldn’t even eat them. They stopped by Pinsent’s Arm for supplies, where they got a few cans of Vienna sausages.

The sawdust helped him try out, but he still ignored the food and preferred to nap.

By the time it regained energy, the fox had started eating.

YouTube Screenshot - Zoo Land Source: YouTube Screenshot - Zoo Land

Alan, Cliff, and Mallory were happy to see the fox’s appearance change (for the better), indicating improved health.

But they knew they should take their rescue efforts further, and they waited until the fox had fully recovered before setting on to their next mission.

They saw this hill in William’s Harbor and dropped the fox off.

YouTube Screenshot - VOCM News Source: YouTube Screenshot - VOCM News

There was a tiny wooden structure, like an old doghouse, and they decided it was best to set it free in its natural habitat.

The moment they left him, he observed his surroundings, shook off, and wandered around.

He gave the crew one last look and went running up the hill.

A life was saved thanks to Alan, Cliff, and Mallory. Check out their rescue in the video below!

Source: Zoo Land YouTube Channel, VOCMNews YouTube Channel, Bored Panda, CBC News, Alan Russell Facebook Page, CBC’s Labrador Morning Facebook Page
