Fishermen swoop in to save baby moose from drowning melting 2M hearts

Parents always want their kids to be safe, something that is the same for both humans and animals alike.

YouTube - The Dodo Source: YouTube - The Dodo

We may not fully understand how animals communicate, but there is one way that we truly connect with them – that is when we protect the ones we love.

Animal parents look after their young and always find ways to keep them safe, especially when their habitat is in the wild.

However, there can be moments when they stand helpless because they are not equipped with what it takes to keep their young safe.

It is fortunate that in these times of trouble, humans who are genuinely concerned about animal welfare go out of their way to lend a helping hand.

YouTube - The Dodo Source: YouTube - The Dodo

One particular moment of humans helping out animals in need was captured when a group of fishermen came to the rescue of a moose who fell into the water.

YouTube - The Dodo Source: YouTube - The Dodo

Apparently, a young moose walking near the river with its mother slipped and fell into the water.

It was trying its best to get back on land while its mother helplessly looked at the baby moose’s situation.

YouTube - The Dodo Source: YouTube - The Dodo

Fortunately, a group of fishermen was passing by and they saw the entire scenario play out.

Thinking that these animals could handle the situation, the men decided to continue on with their sailing and thought that the young moose would be able to swim back to the riverbank.

The mother moose and her baby who was still in the water were visibly distressed because the situation was not improving for the young animal.

YouTube - The Dodo Source: YouTube - The Dodo

The men circled the area and went back to the place where they saw the baby moose after an hour. This time, its mom was nowhere in sight.

It was clear that the baby moose was struggling really hard while the mother must have not known how to help her drowning baby.

This is when the fishermen knew they needed to help the animals.

YouTube - The Dodo Source: YouTube - The Dodo

Everything was caught on film and the moment when the men helped out the baby moose in distress was all captured on camera.

“An hour later we went back to see the progress and the momma was nowhere to be found but the baby moose was still whimpering and struggling to get on shore,” the filmer shared.

“We noticed that the calf was extremely exhausted because the calf started to blow bubbles out of its nose. At that time we figured it was safe to help.”

The men steered the boat so they could reach out to the moose and help it out of its misery.

The animal was obviously confused about what the humans are about to do but kept calm.

YouTube - The Dodo Source: YouTube - The Dodo

The fishermen lifted the shivering baby moose out of the water and into the boat.

They brought it to land so it can go back to where it lived. The baby moose was unsure of what was happening, probably due to the trauma and distress it experienced when it fell into the water for at least an hour.

The mother moose was nowhere in sight at this point but the group was hoping the baby found its way back to its mother.

YouTube - The Dodo Source: YouTube - The Dodo

Check out the heartwarming video of humanity helping animals in need by watching the video below!

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Source: The Dodo, News Flare
