Five-year-old is sick of the rules and is ready to leave home

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video!

When you have a backpack full of toys and stuffed animals, the world is your oyster.

The little boy had been putting up with his mom’s rules for long enough. The time had come for him to move out and start a life of his own.

It all began when the boy’s mom told him to stop making his baby brother cry.

But the boy thought that it was funny, so he kept on doing it. When the mom refused to let him watch his favorite show as a result, it was the last straw.

So the boy packed up a backpack full of toys and prepared to leave home forever.

The boy had almost reached the front door when the mom began questioning him.

Nereyda G.M/YouTube Source: Nereyda G.M/YouTube

“You’re leaving the house?” the mom asked. The tearful boy nodded in response. Such a shame that it had come to this, he must have thought.

“For real,” he whined back.

Nereyda G.M/YouTube Source: Nereyda G.M/YouTube

The mom then asked why he was leaving the home. He just turned away and carried on walking to the door.

Then the mom asked the boy what he had in his backpack. The child responded that it was toys and stuffed animals. The perfect tools to begin an independent life.

Nereyda G.M/YouTube Source: Nereyda G.M/YouTube

So the mother asked the boy what he was going to do about money.

“I know,” he responded. He had saved up $4, which should keep him going for what, two years?

Nereyda G.M/YouTube Source: Nereyda G.M/YouTube

Then the mother asked the boy what he was going to do about school. The boy responded that he simply wasn’t going to go.

Next, the mother asked what the boy was going to do about food. The boy said that he was going to order it in. Durr.

Nereyda G.M/YouTube Source: Nereyda G.M/YouTube

She then asked where he was going to order the food from. But that was a secret.

Then the mom asked a question that was super easy to answer: “Where are you gonna live?”

“In a house,” the boy confidently responded. Where else?

Nereyda G.M/YouTube Source: Nereyda G.M/YouTube

The mother probed the kid a little more on what kind of house he was moving to, and the boy responded that it was a trailer house. Those are free, right?

When the boy had made it quite clear that he wasn’t going to have any housemates, the mom asked who was going to cook for him.

Nereyda G.M/YouTube Source: Nereyda G.M/YouTube

The boy was stumped here. He thought for a while.

Eventually, the boy responded, “Nobody.”

The mom then asked if he was going to cook for himself. The boy said, “No.” He was beginning to spot a flaw in his plan.

Next, the mom told the boy to tell all of his kindergarten friends, “goodbye.” Damn, the boy realized. He would miss the kindergarten friends!

Nereyda G.M/YouTube Source: Nereyda G.M/YouTube

Eventually, the boy started to walk back to his room. Perhaps the family home was a little better than living alone in a trailer house, he was thinking.

Luckily, the mom was filming this exchange. She then uploaded the footage to YouTube, where it soon went viral.

To date, it has gained over 2 million views. It also has more than 15,000 likes.

Since this video appeared, the boy has not attempted to leave home again. He has reluctantly decided to stop terrorizing his little brother instead.

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Source: Nereyda G.M
