Flight attendant adopts stray dog who would always wait outside her hotel


The effect of a simple act of kindness.

A flight attendant from Germany named Olivia Sievers oftentimes flies to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Back in June of 2016, she stumbled upon a homeless who had been around the area for quite a while. When she first met the poor dog, she gave it something to gobble in and also decided to play with him after his meal.

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Little did Olivia know, her simple gesture of kindness was enough for the homeless dog to remember her – forever.

Whenever she was in the country, she’d usually stay in the same hotel and she’d always spot the dog outside her hotel ever since their first encounter. Every time the grateful pooch sees Olivia coming, he would happily wag his tail and flop on his side, inviting the kind flight attendant to give him some belly rubs.

She actually tried to avoid their paths crossing often but there was no escaping the persistent dog’s radar.

Eventually, Olivia named the stray dog Rubio, which means “blonde” in German.

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“I tried to change my way because I didn’t want that he follow me back to the hotel,” Olivia told Noticero Trece.“But it was not possible. He always came back and followed me. I tried one hour, but he always watched me and followed me. He was really happy that somebody gave him attention.”

The grateful pup became deeply attached to his kindhearted savior, and soon, his intentions turned much clearer to Olivia – Rubio wasn’t going anywhere but her side. The flight attendant, on the other hand, continued feeding the homeless dog. She also gave him an airline blanket to make him warm amid the coldness of the nighttime.

However, Olivia realized that given the nature of her work, she wouldn’t be able to look after Rubio 24/7. She thought about ensuring the dog’s safety, so she decided to contact an animal shelter and hoped for the best. The shelter managed to bring Rubio to their facility, but the clever dog found a way to escape from his kennel and went straight back to the hotel where her favorite human, Olivia, was staying.

Sadly, Olivia had to go back to Germany.

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That left Rubio hungry, helpless, and wandering on dangerous streets once again. Despite Olivia’s absence, he never forgot the face of the only person who showed her kindness. Soon enough, the flight attendant was back in Buenos Aires and stayed at the same hotel again. To her surprise, Rubio was next to the hotel’s entrance, it was as if he knew she was coming.

For the next month that followed, Olivia flew back and forth to work, and all those times, Rubio was still there. His patience was on a different level, people would often see him at the hotel entrance whether Olivia was at the hotel or not. It didn’t take much long before Olivia figured out what Rubio really wanted – to be with her.

Because of the dog’s persistence in becoming a part of Olivia’s life, the flight attendant eventually gave in and decided to adopt him. She filled out the necessary paperwork and brought Rubio with her back to Germany in August 2016.

Rubio then met Olivia’s family and his new furry siblings. Soon, the then stray dog started living a beautiful life with his new forever family. No more waiting game outside a hotel and just a warm bed in his new forever home.

Watch the video below to know more about this beautiful story.

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Source: Positive Outlooks, Facebook – Mediodía Noticias
