Little foal gets confidence boost with mom in arena and shows off his fancy footwork

The apple doesnā€™t fall too far.

In the world of equestrian sports, everything looks so simple until you learn what it takes to have your horse move with elegance and majesty.

It takes precision, skill, and a whole lot of patience, for starters. But it also requires insight into the family relationships between horses.

YouTube Screenshot - Lizvan Woerden - Communication Source: YouTube Screenshot - Lizvan Woerden - Communication

Dressage is a popular sport, especially during a time when horsemanship has been deemed a skill one should possess.

But since the days of horses and carriages are far over, at least for now, we leave it to the professionals to do their work.

Training starts when they’re very young.

In a video posted on YouTube, a foal wanted to join the sport so much that it couldn’t help but show off its moves, not only to the people but also to his mom.

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Meet the adorably eager Odeer.

The foal entered the track with his mom. Standing side by side, the horses not only differ in size but in temperament.

YouTube Screenshot - Lizvan Woerden - Communication Source: YouTube Screenshot - Lizvan Woerden - Communication

You can see his motherā€™s calm excitement as she has done this several times before. Beside her is an overly enthusiastic foal who wanted to show off his skills.

At first, the horses went easy.

They walked around the track to get their pace and to warm up. Then, it gradually switched up with the rhythm until the two are in full trot.

YouTube Screenshot - Lizvan Woerden - Communication Source: YouTube Screenshot - Lizvan Woerden - Communication

For some, riding a horse seemed like exactly what it says on the tin.

In reality, however, horsemanship is about telling a horse how to walk, and when to do a certain walk, and helping them remain focused and calm all throughout.

Odeer is definitely a natural.

It comes as no surprise as the young animal is born from a couple of dressage horses. It was amazing to see that the little horse was quick to pick up.

YouTube Screenshot - Lizvan Woerden - Communication Source: YouTube Screenshot - Lizvan Woerden - Communication

At one point, the horses did the trot in full synchronicity, showing a glimpse of Odeerā€™s future. But even as a natural, there are a lot of things to learn still.

The music changed.

As the rider moved across the track, the rhythm changed once more.

Zeronica, the foalā€™s mother, was now moving in a canter. The young foal realized what his mother was doing so he switched it up too.

YouTube Screenshot - Lizvan Woerden - Communication Source: YouTube Screenshot - Lizvan Woerden - Communication

However, maybe with the pace, Odeer can only follow a bit before doing a trot once more.

But the sheer effort just to be at the same pace as a full-grown horse was something to be optimistic about.

With one last lap around the track, the mother-son tandemā€™s exhibition ended.

According to the videoā€™s caption, Odeer became an approved KWPN Gelders stallion last year.

The exhibition was shown in Ermelo in the Netherlands in 2019.

Odeer’s exhibitions have warmed many hearts.

He has since gone far. He has also donned his own saddle and competed where his mother once did.

His video has well over a million views to date and no lack of adoration in the comments.

ā€œEven as a baby, you can see Odeer was a natural at dressage. He got the best kind of tutelage – watching a parent perform the task at hand and then being given the opportunity to do it alongside them,ā€ one comment said.

And maybe Odeer is just getting warmed up.

See Odeer picking up the steps to all of his mama’s moves in the video below!

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Source: YouTube – Liz van Woerden – Communication, BBC, Facebook – Anouk Noordman Dressage
